What can linearized neural networks actually say about generalization?


What can linearized neural networks actually say about generalization?

This is the source code to reproduce the experiments of the NeurIPS 2021 paper "What can linearized neural networks actually say about generalization?" by Guillermo Ortiz-Jimenez, Seyed-Mohsen Moosavi-Dezfooli and Pascal Frossard.


To run the code, please install all its dependencies by running:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This assumes that you have access to a Linux machine with an NVIDIA GPU with CUDA>=11.1. Otherwise, please check the instructions to install JAX with your setup in the corresponding repository.

In general, all scripts are parameterized using hydra and their configuration files can be found in the config/ folder.


The repository contains code to reproduce the following experiments:

Spectral decomposition of NTK

To generate our new benchmark, consisting on the eigenfunctions of the NTK at initialization, please run the python script compute_ntk.py selecting a desired model (e.g., mlp, lenet or resnet18) and supporting dataset (e.g., cifar10 or mnist). This can be done by running

$ python compute_ntk.py model=lenet data.dataset=cifar10

This script will save the eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and weights of the model under artifacts/eigenfunctions/{data.dataset}/{model}/.

For other configuration options, please consult the configuration file config/compute-ntk/config.yaml.


Take into account that, for large models, this computation can take very long. For example, it took us two days to compute the full eigenvalue decomposition of the NTK of one randomly initialized ResNet18 using 4 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. The estimation of eigenvectors for the MLP or the LeNet, on the other hand, can be done in a matter of minutes, depending on the number of GPUs available and the selected batch_size

Training on binary eigenfunctions

Once you have estimated the eigenfunctions of the NTK, you should be able to train on any of them. To that end, select the desired label_idx (i.e. eigenfunction index), model and dataset, and run

$ python train_ntk.py label_idx=100 model=lenet data.dataset=cifar10 linearize=False

You can choose to train with the original non-linear network, or its linear approximation by specifying your choice with the flag linearize. For the non-linear models, this script also computes the final alignment of the end NTK with the target function, which it stores under artifacts/eigenfunctions/{data.dataset}/{model}/alignment_plots/

To see the different supported training options, please consult the configuration file config/train-ntk/config.yaml.

Estimation of NADs

We also provide code to compute the NADs of a CNN architecture (e.g., lenet or resnet18) using the alignment with the NTK at initialization. To do so, please run

$ python compute_nads.py model=lenet

This script will save the eigenvalues, NADs and weights of the model under artifacts/nads/{model}/.

For other configuration options, please consult the configuration file config/compute-nads/config.yaml.

Training on linearly separable datasets

Once you have estimated the NADs of a network, you should be able to train on linearly separable datasets with a single NAD as discriminative feature. To that end, select the desired label_idx (i.e. NAD index) and model, and run

$ python train_nads.py label_idx=100 model=lenet linearize=False

You can choose to train with the original non-linear network, or its linear approximation by specifying your choice with the flag linearize.

To see the different supported training options, please consult the configuration file config/train-nads/config.yaml.

Comparison of training dynamics with pretrained NTK

We also provide code to compare the training dynamics of the linearize network at initialization, and after non-linear pretraining, to estimate a particular eigenfunction of the NTK at initialization. To do this, please run

$ python pretrained_ntk_comparison.py label_idx=100 model=lenet data.dataset=cifar10

To see the different supported training options, please consult the configuration file config/pretrained_ntk_comparison/config.yaml.

Training on CIFAR2

Finally, you can train a neural network and its linearize approximation on the binary version of CIFAR10, i.e., CIFAR2. To do this, please run

$ python train_cifar.py model=lenet linearize=False

To see the different supported training options, please consult the configuration file config/binary-cifar/config.yaml.


If you use this code, please cite the following paper:

  title = {What can linearized neural networks actually say about generalization?},
  author = {{Ortiz-Jimenez}, Guillermo and {Moosavi-Dezfooli}, Seyed-Mohsen and Frossard, Pascal},
  booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35},
  month = Dec,
  year = {2021}
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