Group R-CNN for Point-based Weakly Semi-supervised Object Detection (CVPR2022)


Group R-CNN for Point-based Weakly Semi-supervised Object Detection (CVPR2022)

By Shilong Zhang*, Zhuoran Yu*, Liyang Liu*, Xinjiang Wang, Aojun Zhou, Kai Chen


We study the problem of weakly semi-supervised object detection with points (WSSOD-P), where the training data is combined by a small set of fully annotated images with bounding boxes and a large set of weakly-labeled images with only a single point annotated for each instance. The core of this task is to train a point-to-box regressor on well labeled images that can be used to predict credible bounding boxes for each point annotation. Group R-CNN significantly outperforms the prior method Point DETR by 3.9 mAP with 5% well-labeled images, which is the most challenging scenario.


The project has been fully tested under MMDetection V2.22.0 and MMCV V1.4.6, other versions may not be compatible. so you have to install mmcv and mmdetection firstly. You can refer to Installation of MMCV & Installation of MMDetection

Prepare the dataset

├── data
│   ├── coco
│   │   ├── annotations
│   │   │      ├──instances_train2017.json
│   │   │      ├──instances_val2017.json
│   │   ├── train2017
│   │   ├── val2017

You can generate point annotations with the command. It may take you several minutes for instances_train2017.json

python tools/ /data/coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json
python tools/ /data/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json

Then you can find a point_ann directory, all annotations in the directory contain point annotations. Then you should replace the original annotations in data/coco/annotations with generated annotations.


Here, we sample a point from the mask for all instances. But we split the images into two divisions in :class:PointCocoDataset.

  • Images with only bbox annotations(well-labeled images): Only be used in training phase. We sample a point from its bbox as point annotations each iteration.
  • Images with only point annotations(weakly-labeled sets): Only be used to generate bbox annotations from point annotations with trained point to bbox regressor.

Train and Test

8 is the number of gpus.

For slurm


GPUS=8 sh tools/ partition_name  job_name projects/configs/10_coco/  ./exp/group_rcnn

Evaluate the quality of generated bbox annotations on val dataset with pre-defined point annotations.

GPUS=8 sh tools/ partition_name  job_name projects/configs/10_coco/ ./exp/group_rcnn/latest.pth --eval bbox

Run the inference process on weakly-labeled images with point annotations to get bbox annotations.

GPUS=8 sh tools/ partition_name  job_name  projects/configs/10_coco/   path_to_checkpoint  --format-only --options  "jsonfile_prefix=./generated"
For Pytorch distributed


sh tools/ projects/configs/10_coco/ 8 --work-dir ./exp/group_rcnn

Evaluate the quality of generated bbox annotations on val dataset with pre-defined point annotations.

sh tools/  projects/configs/10_coco/  path_to_checkpoint 8 --eval bbox

Run the inference process on weakly-labeled images with point annotations to get bbox annotations.

sh tools/  projects/configs/10_coco/   path_to_checkpoint 8 --format-only --options  "jsonfile_prefix=./data/coco/annotations/generated"

Then you can train the student model focs.

sh tools/ projects/configs/10_coco/ 8 --work-dir ./exp/01_student_fcos

Results & Checkpoints

We find that the performance of teacher is unstable under 24e setting and may fluctuate by about 0.2 mAP. We report the average.

Model Backbone Lr schd Augmentation box AP Config Model log Generated Annotations
Teacher(Group R-CNN) R-50-FPN 24e DETR Aug 39.2 config ckpt log -
Teacher(Group R-CNN) R-50-FPN 50e DETR Aug 39.9 config ckpt log generated.bbox.json
Student(FCOS) R-50-FPN 12e Normal 1x Aug 33.1 config ckpt log -
Shilong Zhang
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