Data Structures and Algorithms
All the essential resources and template code needed to understand and practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects to demonstrate their practical application.
All the essential resources and template code needed to understand and practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects to demonstrate their practical application.
linux-scripts Collection of scripts that I use on my Gentoo machine. I tend to put all scripts in /scripts directory. It is not likely that you would
patternstrade Analyzes crypto candles over a set time period and then trades based on winning patterns found. Heavily customizable. Warning: This was
CircuitPython Staroids Something like Asteroids, done in CircuitPython. Works with FunHouse, MacroPad, Pybadge, EdgeBadge, CLUE, and Pygamer. circuitp
💻 Welcome to Team Fleming's Repo! #TeamFleming is a multicultural group of 20 young bioinformatics enthusiasts participating in the 2021 HackBio Virt
TOC PS1 Installation / Quickstart License Other Docs Examples PS1 Command Help PS1 ↑ This program is meant to take the pain out of generating nice bas
This repository creates meshes of the same domains with multiple mesh generators and compares the results.
PythonToolKit Motivation This Repo should help save time for data scientists' daily work regarding the Time Series regression task by providing functi
Kyper A multi purpose password managing and generating tool called Kyper. Setup The setup for Kyper is fairly simple only involving the command python
About Python's multithreading and GIL
commodities-dashboard A simply dashboard to view commodities position data based on CFTC reports This is a python project using Dash and plotly to con
This is an implementation of PEP 557, Data Classes. It is a backport for Python 3.6. Because dataclasses will be included in Python 3.7, any discussio
Terrible python code from the "bubble that breaks maths" video.
Tips that improve your life in one way or another. This software downloads life tips from and tweet the most upvoted tips on Twitter.
StarkNet Project Template This is an opinionated StarkNet project template. It is based around the Python's ecosystem and best practices. tox to manag
データサイエンスチャレンジ2021 サンプル 概要 線形補間と Catmull–Rom Spline 補間のサンプル Python スクリプトです。 データサイエンスチャレンジ2021の出題意図としましては、訓練用データ(train.csv)から機械学習モデルを作成して、そのモデルに推論させてモーシ
Python-AI Projects 🤖 World Clock ⏰ ⚙︎ Steps to run file Download and open the file in your Python IDE. Run the file a type the name of
51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.
Databento Python Library The Databento Python client library provides access to the Databento API for both live and historical data, from applications
wind-cursor Use a real time weather API to apply wind to your mouse cursor. Requirements PyAutoGUI pyowm Usage This program uses the OpenWeatherMap AP
Module Comment Generator The comment style is as a tribute to the comment from the RA . The comment generator can parse the ast tree from the python s