Access from your command-line



Access from your command-line

  __   _  ____    ______  __  __  ______  ______  ______
 |  |_| ||    \  |   ___||  |/ / |   ___||   ___||   ___|
 |   _  ||     \ |   |__ |     \  `-.`-. |   ___||   |__
 |__| |_||__|\__\|______||__|\__\|______||______||______|

                                            version : 1.0
                                            visit our website :

hacksec-cli access all our web labs and features directly from your command-line

GitHub issues Twitter Hacksec


  • python3

How to install in windows

How to install in linux

    curl -s -L | bash


┃ shortcut ┃ command           ┃ description                                                               ┃
│ mn       │ menu              │ open menu                                                                 │
│ ov       │ overview          │ show overview                                                             │
│ aw       │ active weblab     │ show active weblab                                                        │
│ an       │ announcement      │ show hacksec's important announcements                                    │
│ av       │ activity          │ show user activity                                                        │
│ rn       │ ranking           │ show popup a menu where you can choose which type of ranking you want see │
│ ur       │ show user ranking │ show overview                                                             │
│ tr       │ show team ranking │ show overview                                                             │
│ cn       │ contact us        │ show how you can contact us                                               │
│ st       │ settings          │ this will open settings menu where you can change your username ,email or │
│          │                   │ password                                                                  │
│ ab       │ about             │ show what we are                                                          │
│ h        │ help              │ show help                                                                 │
│ !        │ !                 │ use ! to run os command example : !ls -la                                 │
│ ul       │ upload_lab        │ you can upload your own weblab using um or upload_lab command             │
│ q        │ quit              │ quit program                                                              │
│ cl       │ clear             │ clear screen                                                              │
│ lg       │ logout            │ logout user from hacksec-cli                                              │



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