EFB Docker image with efb-telegram-master and efb-wechat-slave

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EFB Docker image with efb-telegram-master and efb-wechat-slave



Use GitHub Action pre-build image

docker pull thehaukeng/efb-wechat

# You can use ghcr.io as well
# docker pull ghcr.io/haukeng/efb-wechat

Build image manually

git clone https://github.com/haukeng/efb-wechat-docker.git
cd efb-wechat-docker && docker build -t thehaukeng/efb-wechat efb-wechat


Step 0

Create a Telegram Bot by talking to @BotFather and it will give you the Bot Token

Get your Telegram ID (Not username) from @getidsbot

Step 1

If you prefer to use docker.

docker run -d -t --name "efb-wechat" -e BOT_TOKEN=xxxx -e BOT_ADMIN=xxxx thehaukeng/efb-wechat

Required! Use your Telegram Bot Token as BOT_TOKEN and your Telegram ID as BOT_ADMIN

If you need the proxy to access the Telegram service, you can add -e PROXY_URL=http://exmaple.com:1080 to use the proxy.

If your proxy needs authentication, add -e PROXY_USER=user and -e PROXY_PASS=password.

If you prefer to use docker-compose.

mkdir efb-wechat && cd efb-wechat
wget https://git.io/JMR3i -O docker-compose.yml

Modify the environment variables by editing docker-compose.yml, and then:

docker-compose up -d

Step 2

docker logs -f efb-wechat 
# Ctrl + C to quit from logs

Scan the QR code to log in


How to use host machine proxy?

Try to set PROXY_URL as (Socks5 works as well)

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