One Ansible Module for using LINE notify API to send notification. It can be required in the collection list.


Ansible Collection - hazel_shen.line_notify

Documentation for the collection.

ansible-galaxy collection install hazel_shen.line_notify --ignore-certs

LINE Notify API Document

LINE Notify API Document

How to use this collection

Download collection from Ansible Galaxy

# Download Ansible collection
ansible-galaxy collection install hazel_shen.line_notify

The following is example playbook:

- hosts: localhost
  - hazel_shen.line_notify
  - name: line notify
      access_token: "{{ access_token }}"
      message_content: "{{ message_content }}"

How to use on Ansible Tower

Your project tree should be like this:


Please put these code into requirements.yml:

- hazel_shen.line_notify

Ansible Tower will download collection automatically when you execute the playbook with collection requirement.

Use case - Notify someone when things go wrong :'(

Ansible Tower Workflow

How to develop

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