Shared Attention for Multi-label Zero-shot Learning


Shared Attention for Multi-label Zero-shot Learning


This repository contains the implementation of Shared Attention for Multi-label Zero-shot Learning.

In this work, we address zero-shot multi-label learning for recognition all (un)seen labels using a shared multi-attention method with a novel training mechanism.



  • Python 3.x
  • TensorFlow 1.8.0
  • sklearn
  • matplotlib
  • skimage
  • scipy==1.4.1

Data Preparation

Please download and extract the vgg_19 model ( in ./model/vgg_19. Make sure the extract model is named vgg_19.ckpt


  1. Please download NUS-WIDE images and meta-data into ./data/NUS-WIDE folder according to the instructions within the folders ./data/NUS-WIDE and ./data/NUS-WIDE/Flickr.

  2. To extract features into TensorFlow storage format, please run:

python ./extract_data/			#`data_set` == `Train`: create NUS_WIDE_Train_full_feature_ZLIB.tfrecords
python ./extract_data/			#`data_set` == `Test`: create NUS_WIDE_Test_full_feature_ZLIB.tfrecords

Please change the data_set variable in the script to Train and Test to extract NUS_WIDE_Train_full_feature_ZLIB.tfrecords and NUS_WIDE_Test_full_feature_ZLIB.tfrecords.

Open Images

  1. Please download Open Images urls and annotation into ./data/OpenImages folder according to the instructions within the folders ./data/OpenImages/2017_11 and ./data/OpenImages/2018_04.

  2. To crawl images from the web, please run the script:

python ./download_imgs/ 					#`data_set` == `train`: download images into `./image_data/train/`
python ./download_imgs/ 					#`data_set` == `validation`: download images into `./image_data/validation/`
python ./download_imgs/ 					#`data_set` == `test`: download images into `./image_data/test/`

Please change the data_set variable in the script to train, validation, and test to download different data splits.

  1. To extract features into TensorFlow storage format, please run:
python ./extract_data/						#`data_set` == `train`: create train_feature_2018_04_ZLIB.tfrecords
python ./extract_data/						#`data_set` == `validation`: create validation_feature_2018_04_ZLIB.tfrecords
python ./extract_data/			        #`data_set` == `test`:  create OI_seen_unseen_test_feature_2018_04_ZLIB.tfrecords

Please change the data_set variable in the script to train, and validation to extract features from different data splits.

Training and Evaluation


  1. To train and evaluate zero-shot learning model on full NUS-WIDE dataset, please run:
python ./zeroshot_experiments/

Open Images

  1. To train our framework, please run:
python ./multilabel_experiments/				#create a model checkpoint in `./results`
  1. To evaluate zero-shot performance, please run:
python ./zeroshot_experiments/					#set `evaluation_path` to the model checkpoint created in step 1) above

Please set the evaluation_path variable to the model checkpoint created in step 1) above

Model Checkpoint

We also include the checkpoint of the zero-shot model on NUS-WIDE for fast evaluation (./results/release_zs_NUS_WIDE_log_GPU_7_1587185916d2570488/)


If this code is helpful for your research, we would appreciate if you cite the work:

  author = {D.~Huynh and E.~Elhamifar},
  title = {A Shared Multi-Attention Framework for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning},
  journal = {{IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  year = {2020}}
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