Command line program to download documents from web portals.


command line document download made easy


  • list available documents in json format or download them
  • filter documents using
    • string matching
    • regular expressions or
    • jq queries
  • display captcha or QR codes for interactive input
  • writing new plugins is easy
  • existing plugins (some of them even work):
    • amazon



$ git clone --recursive
$ cd document-dl
$ pip install .


Display Help:

$ document-dl -h
Usage: document-dl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  download documents from web portals

  -u, --username TEXT             login id  [env var: DOCDL_USERNAME]
  -p, --password TEXT             secret password  [env var: DOCDL_PASSWORD]
  -m, --match <ATTRIBUTE PATTERN>...
                                  only output documents where attribute
                                  contains pattern string  [env var:

  -r, --regex <ATTRIBUTE REGEX>...
                                  only output documents where attribute value
                                  matches regex  [env var: DOCDL_REGEX]

  -j, --jq JQ_EXPRESSION          only output documents if json query matches
                                  document's attributes (see
                                  [env var: DOCDL_JQ]

  -H, --headless BOOLEAN          show browser window if false  [env var:
                                  DOCDL_HEADLESS; default: True]

  -b, --browser [chrome|edge|firefox|ie|opera|safari|webkitgtk]
                                  webdriver to use for selenium based plugins
                                  [env var: DOCDL_BROWSER; default: chrome]

  -t, --timeout INTEGER           seconds to wait for data before terminating
                                  connection  [env var: DOCDL_TIMEOUT;
                                  default: 15]

  -i, --image-loading BOOLEAN     Turn off image loading when False  [env var:
                                  DOCDL_IMAGE_LOADING; default: False]

  -a, --action [download|list]    download or just list documents  [env var:
                                  DOCDL_ACTION; default: list]

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  amazon (invoices)
  conrad (invoices)
  dkb with photoTAN (postbox)
  elster with path to .pfx certfile as username (postbox)
  ing with photoTAN (postbox)
  o2 (invoices/postbox)
  vodafone (postbox, invoices)

Display plugin-specific help: (currently there is a bug in click that prompts for username and password before displaying the help)

$ document-dl ing --help
Usage: document-dl ing [OPTIONS] with photoTAN (postbox)

  -k, --diba-key TEXT  DiBa Key  [env var: DOCDL_DIBA_KEY]
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.


List all documents from, prompt for username/password:

$ document-dl vodafone

Same, but show browser window this time:

$ document-dl --headless=false vodafone

Download all documents from, pass credentials as commandline arguments:

$ document-dl --username mylogin --password mypass --action download conrad

Download all documents from, pass credentials as env vars:

$ DOCDL_USERNAME='mylogin' DOCDL_PASSWORD='mypass' document-dl --action download conrad

Download all documents from where "doctype" attribute contains "BILL":

$ document-dl --match doctype BILL --action download o2

You can also use regular expressions to filter documents:

$ document-dl --regex date '^(2021-04|2021-05).*$' o2

List all documents from where year >= 2019:

$ document-dl --jq 'select(.year >= 2019)' o2

Download document from with id == 15:

$ document-dl --jq 'contains({id: 15})' --action download elster

Writing a plugin

Plugins are click-plugins which in turn are normal @click.command's registered in

  • put your plugin into "docdl/plugins"

  • write your plugin class:

    • if you just need requests, inherit from docdl.WebPortal and use self.session that's initialized for you
    • if you need selenium, inherit from docdl.SeleniumWebPortal and use self.webdriver that's initialized for you
    • add click glue code
    • add your plugin to docdl_plugins registry
import docdl
import docdl.util

class MyPlugin(docdl.WebPortal):

    URL_LOGIN = ""

    def login(self):
        request = self.session.get(self.URL_LOGIN)
        # ... authenticate ...
        if not_logged_in:
            return False
        return True

    def logout(self):
        # ... logout ...

    def documents(self):
        # iterate over all available documents
        for count, document in enumerate(all_documents):

            # scrape:
            #  * document attributes
            #    * it's recommended to assign an incremental "id"
            #      attribute to every document
            #    * if you set a "filename" attribute, it will be used to
            #      rename the downloaded file
            #    * dates should be parsed to datetime.datetime objects
            #      docdl.util.parse_date() should parse the most common strings
            # also you must scrape either:
            #  * the download URL
            # or (for SeleniumWebPortal plugins):
            #  * the DOM element that triggers download. It is expected
            #    that the download starts immediately after click() on
            #    the DOM element
            # or implement a custom download() method

            yield docdl.Document(
                url = this_documents_url,
                # download_element = <some selenium element to click>
                attributes = {
                    "id": count,
                    "category": "invoices",
                    "title": this_documents_title,
                    "filename": this_documents_target_filename,
                    "date": docdl.util.parse_date(some_date_string)

    def download(self, document):
        """you shouldn't need this for most web portals"""
        # ... save file to os.getcwd() ...
        return self.rename_after_download(document, filename)

def myplugin(ctx):
    """plugin description (what, documents, are, scraped)""", MyPlugin)

and in

# ...
    # ...
        # ...
            'docdl_plugins': [
                # ...
                # ...
            # ...


Beware that your login credentials are most probably saved in your shell history when you pass them as commandline arguments. You can use the input prompt to avoid that or set environment variables safely.


document-dl is still in a very early state of development and a lot of things don't work, yet. Especially a ton of edge cases need to be covered. If you find a bug, please open an issue or send a pull request.

  • --browser settings beside chrome probably don't work unless you help to test them
  • some services offer more documents/data than currently scraped


  • logging
  • better documentation
  • properly parse rfc6266
  • delete action
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