[CVPR 2021] MiVOS - Scribble to Mask module


MiVOS (CVPR 2021) - Scribble To Mask

Ho Kei Cheng, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

[arXiv] [Paper PDF] [Project Page]

A simplistic network that turns scribbles to mask. It supports multi-object segmentation using soft-aggregation. Don't expect SOTA results from this model!

Ex1 Ex2

Overall structure and capabilities

MiVOS Mask-Propagation Scribble-to-Mask
DAVIS/YouTube semi-supervised evaluation ✔️
DAVIS interactive evaluation ✔️
User interaction GUI tool ✔️
Dense Correspondences ✔️
Train propagation module ✔️
Train S2M (interaction) module ✔️
Train fusion module ✔️
Generate more synthetic data ✔️


The package versions shown here are the ones that I used. You might not need the exact versions.

Refer to the official PyTorch guide for installing PyTorch/torchvision. The rest can be installed by:

pip install opencv-contrib-python gitpython gdown

Pretrained model

Download and put the model in ./saves/. Alternatively use the provided download_model.py.

[OneDrive Mirror]

Interactive GUI

python interactive.py --image <image>


Mouse Left - Draw scribbles
Mouse middle key - Switch positive/negative
Key f - Commit changes, clear scribbles
Key r - Clear everything
Key d - Switch between overlay/mask view
Key s - Save masks into a temporary output folder (./output/)

Known issues

The model almost always needs to focus on at least one object. It is very difficult to erase all existing masks from an image using scribbles.



  1. Download and extract LVIS training set.
  2. Download and extract a set of static image segmentation datasets. These are already downloaded for you if you used the download_datasets.py in Mask-Propagation.
├── lvis
│   ├── lvis_v1_train.json
│   └── train2017
├── Scribble-to-Mask
└── static
    ├── BIG_small
    └── ...


Use the deeplabv3plus_resnet50 pretrained model provided here.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 9842 --nproc_per_node=2 train.py --id s2m --load_deeplab <path_to_deeplab.pth>


Deeplab implementation and pretrained model: https://github.com/VainF/DeepLabV3Plus-Pytorch.


Please cite our paper if you find this repo useful!

  title={Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion},
  author={Cheng, Ho Kei and Tai, Yu-Wing and Tang, Chi-Keung},

Contact: [email protected]

  • AttributeError: Caught AttributeError in DataLoader worker process 0

    AttributeError: Caught AttributeError in DataLoader worker process 0

    Hello! I followed the instructions of the training command, it has thrown an error about AttributeError. dataloader_error I put the static folder outside this repository as you mentioned. It is confusing that I can use the same datasets for the pretraining propagation module, the train.py in Mask-Propagation works fine.

    opened by xwhkkk 2
  • git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError when running train.py

    git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError when running train.py

    Hello! I followed the instruction of the training command, but it has thrown an error about GitRepositoryError. gitError I used command : CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 1842 --nproc_per_node=2 train.py --id s2m --load_deeplab ./deeplab_resnet50/best_deeplabv3plus_resnet50_voc_os16.pth, and I have 2 GPUs. Could you give me some suggestions?

    opened by xwhkkk 2
  • About evaluation of the model

    About evaluation of the model


    thank you for the nice work.

    I have a concern about the evaluation of the model. Because there is no validation set to pick the best model. It may has a potential overfitting problem. (Or what should the validation set for interactive segmentation look like? If there is a unified standard, it will be more helpful for everyone to compare their methods.)

    In interactive object segmentation setting, is this setting popular? I am new here for the interactive segmentation. Wish to solve my concern, thank you.

    opened by Limingxing00 2
  • Question about Local Control Strategy

    Question about Local Control Strategy

    A simple but practical segmentation tool! I've read your paper, and it says that local control strategy is used in S2M. However, I don't find the local control step in this code. Why don't you provide it in this tool? Will local control make significant difference to the performance?

    opened by distillation-dcf 1
  • DeepLabv3 pre-trained models

    DeepLabv3 pre-trained models


    I wanted to mention that in order to train S2M from scratch, using the deeplabv3_resnet50 pre-trained model provided in this repo, returns the following error: KeyError: 'classifier.classifier.0.convs.0.0.weight. Meaning that the weights from this layer are not present in deeplabv3_resnet50. But using the deeplabv3plus_resnet50 from the same repo executes without errors.


    opened by UndecidedBoy 1
  • saving error

    saving error

    Hello! Thanks for sharing your code. When I run python interactive.py and want to save the masks, appeared following error.


    Could you give me some suggestions?

    opened by xwhkkk 3
  • Fix simple issues and allow for cpu only use

    Fix simple issues and allow for cpu only use

    I had to make some changes to be able to use the code on cpu only system and had troubles saving the mask from the interactive GUI and fixed it. Thanks for the great work.

    opened by rami-alloush 3
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