An example of Connecting a MySQL Database with Python Code


An example of Connecting a MySQL Database with Python Code And How to install

Table of contents

General info

In this project, we will examine how to connect a database with Python code in windows and macOS operating systems


Project is created with:

  • Python version: 3.10.0
  • pip version: 21.3.1
  • Mysql Connector python Version for win64: >


  • To run this project,You must first Step install the Python connector and the mysql database on the system: in Cmd(Windows Command Line)(os = windows) or Terminal(os= MacOs)
  • In the second Step, we write a series of Python code related to the database connection in the IDE

in Windows Command Line(CMD):

@@ pip install mysql-connector-python @@

Important note:

Note that if you do not write the word 'Python' at the end of the command, you will encounter this error:

  • mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' is not supported

in Terminal MacOs:

@@ sudo apt-get install mysql-connector-python @@


@@ pip install mysql-connector-python @@

Now we go to the Python code section in the corresponding IDE( Like vscode:)))) ):

+ #import my SQL/Python Connector on CodeSpace
import mysql.connector
+ #Send and Pour Information Database With one variable
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="your host name",user="your user name",password="your pass",database='your database name')

+ #Create Cursor on Cmd Structure
cursor = mydb.cursor()
+ #Execute MySQL Code On CMD space
cursor.execute(cursor.execute('INSERT INTO people VALUES ("YOUR VALUEWS)')
+ #do 

Important note:

Note that Python must be installed on your system + Python pip must also + python and SQL connector Be installed

A series of MYSQL code commands:

SELECT - extracts data from a database
UPDATE - updates data in a database
DELETE - deletes data from a database
INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database
CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database
CREATE TABLE - creates a new table
ALTER TABLE - modifies a table
DROP TABLE - deletes a table
CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)
DROP INDEX - deletes an index
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