This package is for running the semantic SLAM algorithm using extracted planar surfaces from the received detection


Semantic SLAM

This package can perform optimization of pose estimated from VO/VIO methods which tend to drift over time. It uses planar surfaces extracted from object detections in order to create a sparse semantic map of the environment, thus optimizing the drift of the VO/VIO algorithms.

In order to run this package you will need two additional modules

Currently it can extract planar surfaces and create a semantic map from from the following objects:

  • chair
  • tvmonitor
  • book
  • keyboard
  • laptop
  • bucket
  • car

Related Paper:

  author={Bavle, Hriday and De La Puente, Paloma and How, Jonathan P. and Campoy, Pascual},
  journal={IEEE Access}, 
  title={VPS-SLAM: Visual Planar Semantic SLAM for Aerial Robotic Systems}, 


Semantic SLAM

How do I set it up?

First install g2o following these instructions (Tested on Kinetic and Melodic Distributions):

- sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libg2o
- sudo cp -r /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/lib/libg2o_* /usr/local/lib
- sudo cp -r /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/include/g2o /usr/local/include

Install OctopMap server for map generation capabilities:

- sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-octomap*

Try a simple example with pre-recorded VIO pose and a blue bucket detector:

Create a ros workspace and clone the following packages:

  • Download the rosbag:
    wget -P ~/Downloads/
  • Create a workspace, clone the repo and compile:
    mkdir -p workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/src/ && cd workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/src/    
    git clone && git clone   
    cd .. && catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • Launch and visualize
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch semantic_SLAM ps_slam_with_snap_pose_bucket_det_lab_data_with_octomap.launch bagfile:=${HOME}/Downloads/entire_lab_3_rounds.bag show_rviz:=true  


Using Docker Image

If the code is giving problems with you local machine, you can try the docker image created with the repo and the required settings.

Download Docker from: Docker

Follow the commands to run the algorithm with the docker

  docker pull hridaybavle/semantic_slam:v1 	
  docker run --rm -it --net="host" -p 11311:11311 hridaybavle/semantic_slam:v1 bash
  cd ~/workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/
  source devel/setup.bash
  roslaunch semantic_SLAM ps_slam_with_snap_pose_bucket_det_lab_data_with_octomap.launch bagfile:=${HOME}/Downloads/entire_lab_3_rounds.bag show_rviz:=false  

Open a new terminal and rviz in local machine

  cd ~/Downloads/ && wget
  rviz -d graph_semantic_slam.rviz	

Subsribed Topics

Published Topics

The configurations of the algorithms can be found inside the cfg folder in order to be changed accordingly.

Published TFs

  • map to odom transform: The transform published between the map frame and the odom frame after the corrections from the semantic SLAM.

  • base_link to odom transform: The transform published between the base_link (on the robot) frame and the odom frame as estimated by the VO/VIO algorithm.

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  • errors at last step

    errors at last step

    Hi, I have finished all the steps following the instructions and nothing goes wrong. But when I run

    roslaunch semantic_SLAM ps_slam_with_snap_pose_bucket_det_lab_data.launch bagfile:=${HOME}/Downloads/entire_lab_3_rounds.bag show_rviz:=true  

    I get errors like this and it stucks for a while.

    # Using CSparse poseDim -1 landMarkDim -1 blockordering 0
    keyframe_delta_trans 0.5
    keyframe_delta_angle 0.5
    keyframe_delta_time 1
    use_const_inf_matrix: 1
    const_stddev_x: 0.00667
    const_stddev_q: 1e-05
    Initialized mapping thread 
    camera angle in radians: 0.59219
    update keyframe every detection: 1
    add first landmark: 0
    [semantic_graph_slam_node-9] process has died [pid 23067, exit code -11, cmd /home/nrc/workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/devel/lib/semantic_SLAM/semantic_graph_SLAM_node __name:=semantic_graph_slam_node __log:=/home/nrc/.ros/log/ccaf4b14-a47a-11ea-b300-000c29c39525/semantic_graph_slam_node-9.log].
    log file: /home/nrc/.ros/log/ccaf4b14-a47a-11ea-b300-000c29c39525/semantic_graph_slam_node-9*.log

    then I get this. It seems that the visualization program doesn't go right.

    [rosbag-2] process has finished cleanly
    log file: /home/nrc/.ros/log/ccaf4b14-a47a-11ea-b300-000c29c39525/rosbag-2*.log

    Is there something I have missed? Thank you!

    opened by ZhengXinyue 8
  • [semantic_graph_slam_node-9] process has died

    [semantic_graph_slam_node-9] process has died

    Hi, I have finished all the steps following the instructions and nothing goes wrong. But when I run

    roslaunch semantic_SLAM ps_slam_with_snap_pose_bucket_det_lab_data_with_octomap.launch bagfile:=${HOME}/Downloads/entire_lab_3_rounds.bag show_rviz:=true

    I get errors like this.

    keyframe_delta_trans 0.5
    keyframe_delta_angle 0.5
    keyframe_delta_time 1
    use_const_inf_matrix: 1
    const_stddev_x: 0.00667
    const_stddev_q: 1e-05
    camera angle in radians: 0.59219
    update keyframe every detection: 1
    add first landmark: 0
    [ INFO] [1591944956.099907360, 1661396775.076756992]: waitForService: Service [/depth_rectifier_manager/load_nodelet] is now available.
    [ INFO] [1591944956.100243666, 1661396775.076756992]: waitForService: Service [/depth_manager/load_nodelet] is now available.
    [ INFO] [1591944956.545617511, 1661396775.518832629]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
    [ INFO] [1591944956.545842654, 1661396775.518832629]: OpenGl version: 4.5 (GLSL 4.5).
    [pcl::OrganizedNeighbor::radiusSearch] Input dataset is not from a projective device!
    Residual (MSE) 0.000614, using 1248 valid points
    [pcl::OrganizedNeighbor::radiusSearch] Input dataset is not from a projective device!
    Residual (MSE) 0.000748, using 1444 valid points
    [pcl::OrganizedNeighbor::radiusSearch] Input dataset is not from a projective device!
    Residual (MSE) 0.001710, using 2303 valid points
    [semantic_graph_slam_node-9] process has died [pid 27314, exit code -9, cmd /home/nrc/hd/workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/devel/lib/semantic_SLAM/semantic_graph_SLAM_node __name:=semantic_graph_slam_node __log:=/home/nrc/.ros/log/c2c4ddd8-ac79-11ea-96ed-8ca982ff1833/semantic_graph_slam_node-9.log].
    log file: /home/nrc/.ros/log/c2c4ddd8-ac79-11ea-96ed-8ca982ff1833/semantic_graph_slam_node-9*.log

    When it occurs

    [pcl::OrganizedNeighbor::radiusSearch] Input dataset is not from a projective device!
    Residual (MSE) 0.000614, using 1248 valid points

    the program is still mapping , so I think the problem is not caused by 'pcl'.

    I tried to run the launchfile seperately :

    ROS_NAMESPACE=camera/color rosrun image_proc image_proc 
    roslaunch semantic_SLAM shape.launch  
    rosrun semantic_SLAM  semantic_graph_SLAM_node

    But at the last step i got 'Segmentation fault :

    add first landmark: 0
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Do you have any idea about it? Thanks a lot !!!

    opened by He-Rong 6
  • Dataset download failure problem

    Dataset download failure problem

    Hello, when I run the sample code, I always encounter network interruptions or unknown errors at the last moment when downloading the dataset entire_lab_3_rounds.bag. Can you provide a new way to download the bag?

    opened by kycwx 2
  • Problemas de incompatibilidad de opencv en el bucket detector

    Problemas de incompatibilidad de opencv en el bucket detector

    Hola, he conseguido que ambos paquetes en conjunto (semantic slam y bucket detector) funciones bien en una distro de ubuntu virgen con ROS melodic, sin embargo, cuando migro al pc donde trabajo habitualmente y que tiene ya instaladas dependencias anteriores y demás me encuentro con estos errores referentes a opencv: Captura de pantalla de 2021-05-26 11-29-18 Imagino que se deben a incompatibilidades entre versiones de opencv, podrías confirmarme esto último? Sería posible trabajar con una versión de opencv diferente? Gracias, un saludo!

    opened by iandresolares 2
Hriday Bavle
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Luxembourg. My research interests are VO/VIO, SLAM, Perception and Planning applied to Mobile Robots.
Hriday Bavle
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