🤗 Paper Style Guide


🤗 Paper Style Guide

(Work in progress, send a PR!)

Libraries to Know


  • When in doubt use sections -> Introduction, Background, Model, Training, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
  • Tables should always follow this guide
  • Tables / Figures should always float. Never inline in the text.
  • When using natbib, \citet is for when the citation is a noun, and \citep is for when it is at the end.
  • Captions should be short but fully self-explanatory of the columns / rows. They should not use 1st person.
  • Abstracts should be 1 paragraph. When in doubt -> Context, Problem, Idea 1, Idea 2, Results.
  • Section titles should be starting-caps.
  • The goal of related work is not just to list papers, but to explicitly make claims as to how your work differs from each one.
  • Figures should have a white background and large fonts. Do not screenshot! Generate a high-res, pdf output.
  • Use present tense (almost) everywhere.
  • You do not need a summary paragraph at the end of your intro.
  • All empirical results must be in a table or figure.
  • Methods section should not introduce new modeling. Enumerate the tasks, baselines, hyperparameters.
  • Results section should not introduce new tasks or models. Summarize the tables.
  • Any non-trivial notation should be introduced as early possible. Ideally background.
  • 8 pages is an extremely hard limit.
  • Always use `` '' for quotes not " ".
  • Use bold sparingly. Opt for italics for new technical terms.

Small Tips

  • Turn off \usepackage[review]{emnlp} to \usepackage[]{emnlp} while editing to fix overleaf linking.
  • Use \newcommand{\todo}[1]{{\small\color{red}{\bf [*** Todo: #1]}}} for inline comments.



  • What are the 3 contributions of the paper?
  • Do my experiments convincingly prove each of these are true?
  • Can I cut anything that does not satisfy these?
  • Would someone who has not read a paper in 2 years understand what is happening?
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The AI community building the future.
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