QueryInst: Parallelly Supervised Mask Query for Instance Segmentation


QueryInst: Parallelly Supervised Mask Query for Instance Segmentation

  • TL;DR: QueryInst is a simple and effective query based instance segmentation method driven by parallel supervision on dynamic mask heads, which outperforms previous arts in terms of both accuracy and speed.

QueryInst: Parallelly Supervised Mask Query for Instance Segmentation,

by Yuxin Fang*, Shusheng Yang*, Xinggang Wang†, Yu Li, Chen Fang, Ying Shan, Bin Feng, Wenyu Liu.

(*) equal contribution, (†) corresponding author.

arXiv technical report (arXiv 2105.01928)


  • This repo serves as the official implementation for QueryInst, based on mmdetection and built upon Sparse R-CNN & DETR. Implantations based on Detectron2 will be released in the near future.

  • This project is under active development, we will extend QueryInst to a wide range of instance-level recognition tasks.


[06/05/2021] 🌟 QueryInst training and inference code has been released!

Getting Started

python setup.py develop
  • Prepare datasets:
mkdir data && cd data
ln -s /path/to/coco coco
  • Training QueryInst with single GPU:
python tools/train.py configs/queryinst/queryinst_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py
  • Training QueryInst with multi GPUs:
./tools/dist_train.sh configs/queryinst/queryinst_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py 8
  • Test QueryInst on COCO val set with single GPU:
python tools/test.py configs/queryinst/queryinst_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py PATH/TO/CKPT.pth --eval bbox segm
  • Test QueryInst on COCO val set with multi GPUs:
./tools/dist_test.sh configs/queryinst/queryinst_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py PATH/TO/CKPT.pth 8 --eval bbox segm

Main Results on COCO val

Configs Aug. Weights Box AP Mask AP
QueryInst_R50_3x_300_queries 480 ~ 800, w/ Crop - 46.9 41.4
QueryInst_R101_3x_300_queries 480 ~ 800, w/ Crop - 48.0 42.4
QueryInst_X101-DCN_3x_300_queries 480 ~ 800, w/ Crop - 50.3 44.2


If you find our paper and code useful in your research, please consider giving a star and citation ?? :

  title={QueryInst: Parallelly Supervised Mask Query for Instance Segmentation},
  author={Fang, Yuxin and Yang, Shusheng and Wang, Xinggang and Li, Yu and Fang, Chen and Shan, Ying and Feng, Bin and Liu, Wenyu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01928},


  • QueryInst training and inference code.
  • QueryInst based on Detectron2 toolbox will be released in the near future.
  • QueryInst configurations for Cityscapes and YouTube-VIS.
  • QueryInst pretrain weights.
Hust Visual Learning Team
Hust Visual Learning Team belongs to the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute in the School of EIC in HUST
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