hey, this repo is the backend of the sociio project


sociio backend

Hey, this repository is a part of sociio project , In this repo we are working to create an independent server for everything you can imagine from auth to posts you will find it everywhere.


more coming soon


  • auth
  • more in progress


well being in development, so you need to install it manually on your machine. to install it you need to install python3 and then run the following command:

pip install venv venv

then you can run the following command:

git clone https://github/hybriddevs/sociio-backend.git

to install the dependencies you need to run the following command:

cd sociio-backend
cd auth
pip install -r requirements.txt

now you can run the server using the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload

basic usage

well you can open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000/docs to see about the endpoints


contributing guide is available on soon

bye, have a nice day!

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