Implementation of "Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation" (Xie et al., CVPR 2021).

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Deep LearningRMNet


This repository contains the source code for the paper Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation.

Language grade: Python Total alerts


Cite this work

  title={Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation},
  author={Xie, Haozhe and 
          Yao, Hongxun and 
          Zhou, Shangchen and 
          Zhang, Shengping and 
          Sun, Wenxiu},


We use the ECSSD, COCO, PASCAL VOC, MSRA10K, DAVIS, and YouTube-VOS datasets in our experiments, which are available below:

Pretrained Models

The pretrained models for DAVIS and YouTube-VOS are available as follows:


Clone the Code Repository

git clone

Install Python Denpendencies

cd RMNet
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build PyTorch Extensions

NOTE: PyTorch >= 1.4, CUDA >= 9.0 and GCC >= 4.9 are required.


cd $RMNET_HOME/extensions/reg_att_map_generator
python install --user

cd $RMNET_HOME/extensions/flow_affine_transformation
python install --user

Precompute the Optical Flow

Update Settings in

You need to update the file path of the datasets:

__C.DATASETS                                     = edict()
__C.DATASETS.DAVIS                               = edict()
__C.DATASETS.DAVIS.INDEXING_FILE_PATH            = './datasets/DAVIS.json'
__C.DATASETS.DAVIS.IMG_FILE_PATH                 = '/path/to/Datasets/DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p/%s/%05d.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.DAVIS.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH          = '/path/to/Datasets/DAVIS/Annotations/480p/%s/%05d.png'
__C.DATASETS.DAVIS.OPTICAL_FLOW_FILE_PATH        = '/path/to/Datasets/DAVIS/OpticalFlows/480p/%s/%05d.flo'
__C.DATASETS.YOUTUBE_VOS                         = edict()
__C.DATASETS.YOUTUBE_VOS.INDEXING_FILE_PATH      = '/path/to/Datasets/YouTubeVOS/%s/meta.json'
__C.DATASETS.YOUTUBE_VOS.IMG_FILE_PATH           = '/path/to/Datasets/YouTubeVOS/%s/JPEGImages/%s/%s.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.YOUTUBE_VOS.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH    = '/path/to/Datasets/YouTubeVOS/%s/Annotations/%s/%s.png'
__C.DATASETS.YOUTUBE_VOS.OPTICAL_FLOW_FILE_PATH  = '/path/to/Datasets/YouTubeVOS/%s/OpticalFlows/%s/%s.flo'
__C.DATASETS.PASCAL_VOC                          = edict()
__C.DATASETS.PASCAL_VOC.INDEXING_FILE_PATH       = '/path/to/Datasets/voc2012/trainval.txt'
__C.DATASETS.PASCAL_VOC.IMG_FILE_PATH            = '/path/to/Datasets/voc2012/images/%s.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.PASCAL_VOC.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH     = '/path/to/Datasets/voc2012/masks/%s.png'
__C.DATASETS.ECSSD                               = edict()
__C.DATASETS.ECSSD.N_IMAGES                      = 1000
__C.DATASETS.ECSSD.IMG_FILE_PATH                 = '/path/to/Datasets/ecssd/images/%s.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.ECSSD.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH          = '/path/to/Datasets/ecssd/masks/%s.png'
__C.DATASETS.MSRA10K                             = edict()
__C.DATASETS.MSRA10K.INDEXING_FILE_PATH          = './datasets/msra10k.txt'
__C.DATASETS.MSRA10K.IMG_FILE_PATH               = '/path/to/Datasets/msra10k/images/%s.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.MSRA10K.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH        = '/path/to/Datasets/msra10k/masks/%s.png'
__C.DATASETS.MSCOCO                              = edict()
__C.DATASETS.MSCOCO.INDEXING_FILE_PATH           = './datasets/mscoco.txt'
__C.DATASETS.MSCOCO.IMG_FILE_PATH                = '/path/to/Datasets/coco2017/images/train2017/%s.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.MSCOCO.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH         = '/path/to/Datasets/coco2017/masks/train2017/%s.png'
__C.DATASETS.ADE20K                              = edict()
__C.DATASETS.ADE20K.INDEXING_FILE_PATH           = './datasets/ade20k.txt'
__C.DATASETS.ADE20K.IMG_FILE_PATH                = '/path/to/Datasets/ADE20K_2016_07_26/images/training/%s.jpg'
__C.DATASETS.ADE20K.ANNOTATION_FILE_PATH         = '/path/to/Datasets/ADE20K_2016_07_26/images/training/%s_seg.png'

__C.DATASET.TRAIN_DATASET                        = ['ECSSD', 'PASCAL_VOC', 'MSRA10K', 'MSCOCO']  # Pretrain
__C.DATASET.TRAIN_DATASET                        = ['YOUTUBE_VOS', 'DAVISx5']                    # Fine-tune
__C.DATASET.TEST_DATASET                         = 'DAVIS'

# Network Options: RMNet, TinyFlowNet
__C.TRAIN.NETWORK                                = 'RMNet'

Get Started

To train RMNet, you can simply use the following command:


To test RMNet, you can use the following command:

python3 --test --weights=/path/to/pretrained/model.pth


This project is open sourced under MIT license.

Haozhe Xie
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Harbin Institute of Technology, focusing on 3D reconstruction, video segmentation, and computer vision.
Haozhe Xie
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