The first public repository that provides free BUBT website scraping API script on Github.



I think this is the first public repository that provides free BUBT website scraping API script on github. When I was doing my 3rd year project one for my friend Abdullah Xayed wrote an web scraping project for me. Now I add some extra feature on it.

Important Note

I am not sharing some api script with you due to security reason. And I am requisting you not to use any of this provided api for production use. I already give you the API script. So, Host them on your web server and then use them for the production.

Project Directories

Path Description
./cources Contains all course scrapping scripts.
./faculties/scripts Contains all facultie scrapping scripts.
./notices_events Contains notices_events scrapping scripts.
./faculties Contains all faculties image by department name sub folder.
./json_data Contains all the courses, faculties & notices_events information in json format.

API Contribution


     •Student Verify 
     •Faculty Verify
  • Abdullah Xayed

     •Annex Login 
     •Annex Result 
     •Annex Fees 
     •Annex Routine 
     •All Events 
     •Event Details 
     •All Notices 
     •Notice Details 
  • Md. Imam Hossain

     •Faculty API Script: CSE, EEE, CIVIL, TEXTILE, BBA, ECO, EDE, LLB, ENG.
     •Notice Details 
     •Events Details 
     •Routine API

API Response & Type


Name Method Description Examples
Student Verify GET Verify bubt students /global_file/getData.php?id=?&type=?
Faculty Verify GET Verify bubt faculty /global_file/getData.php?id=?&type=?

Abdullah Xayed API: (v1)

Name Method Description Examples
Annex Login GET Verify bubt faculty /bubt/v1/login?id=?&pass=?
Annex Result GET Get student result from annex by session id /bubt/v1/prevCourses?phpsessid=?
Annex Fees GET Get student fees from annex by session id /bubt/v1/fees?phpsessid=?
Annex Routine GET Get student routine from annex by session id Not working, Cause routine shift from annex to BUBT Soft /bubt/v1/routine?phpsessid=?
All Events GET Get all events from bubt website /bubt/v1/allEvent?
Events Details GET Get an event details by events url /bubt/v1/eventDetails?url=?
All Notice GET Get all notices from bubt website /bubt/v1/allNotice?
Notice Details GET Get a notice details by notices url /bubt/v1/noticeDetails?url=?

Md. Imam Hossain API: (v2)

Name Method Description Examples
Events GET Get events from bubt website by page and limit /bubt/v2/allEvent?page=?&limit=?
Events Details GET Get an event details by events url bubt/v2/eventDetails?url=?
Notice GET Get notices from bubt website by page and limit /bubt/v2/allNotice?page=?&limit=?
Notice Details GET Get a notice details by notices url /bubt/v2/noticeDetails?url=?
Smart Routine GET Get student routine from BUBT Soft by students id Secret API /bubt/v2/getRoutine?stdId=?

Sample Json Data


Student Verify:

  "sis_std_id": "17181103084",
  "sis_std_name": "Md. Imam Hossain",
  "sis_std_prgrm_sn": "B.Sc. Engg. in CSE",
  "sis_std_prgrm_id": "006",
  "sis_std_intk": "37",
  "sis_std_email": "[email protected]",
  "sis_std_father": "Mahbub Rashid",
  "sis_std_gender": "M",
  "sis_std_LocGuardian": "Mahbub Rashid",
  "sis_std_Bplace": "Vasantek, Dhaka",
  "sis_std_Status": "R",
  "sis_std_blood": "",
  "gazo": "data:image/jpeg;base64,"

Faculty Verify:

    "EmpId": "18020331033",
    "DemoId": "18020331033",
    "EmpName": "Md. Ahsanul Haque",
    "DOB": "1996-06-21T00:00:00",
    "PermanentAddress": "South Atapara, Bogura Sadar-5800, Bogura",
    "FatherName": "Md. Abdul Awal",
    "ECName": "Md. Abdul Awal",
    "ECNo": "01711936404",
    "ECRelation": "Father",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DeptName": "Department of Computer Science & Engineering",
    "PosName": "Lecturer",
    "BloodGroup": "A+",
    "StatusId": "1",
    "EmpImage": "data:image/jpeg;base64,"

Abdullah Xayed API:(v1)

Annex Login:

  "PHPSESSID": "7d1755fe6c32b74d321fe3d3ba69a4ad",
  "status": "success"

Annex Result:

  "data": [
      "cgpa": "3.22",
      "results": [
          "code": "ENG 101",
          "credit": "3",
          "grade": "B-",
          "title": "English Language-I",
          "type": "Theory"
      "semester": "Fall, 2017-18",
      "sgpa": "3.22"
  "status": "success"

Annex Fees:

  "data": [
      "Demand": "44195",
      "Due": "0",
      "Paid": "44195",
      "Remarks": "Semester Charge+Tuition Fees+Others",
      "Semester": "Fall, 2017-18",
      "Waiver": "0",
      "payments": [
          "Account_Code": "319",
          "Payment_Amount": "15600",
          "Payment_No": "1",
          "Reciept_No": "18888",
          "Waiver": "0"
          "Account_Code": "319",
          "Payment_Amount": "28595",
          "Payment_No": "2",
          "Reciept_No": "43019",
          "Waiver": "0"
  "result": {
    "Total_Demand": "384816",
    "Total_Due": "7442",
    "Total_Paid": "353923",
    "Total_Waiver": "23451"
  "status": "success"

Annex Routine:

  "data": [
      "Building": "",
      "Day": "Saturday",
      "Intake": "",
      "Room_No": "",
      "Schedule": "08:30 AM to 10:00 AM",
      "Section": "",
      "Subject_Code": "",
      "Teacher_Code": ""
  "status": "success"

All Events:

  "data": [
      "published_on": "5 Aug 2021",
      "title": "International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT) Opened at BUBT",
      "url": ""
  "status": "success"

Annex Notices:

  "data": [
        "category": "Exam Related",
        "published_on": "8 Oct 2021",
        "title": "Defense Notice",
        "url": ""
  "status": "success"

Events Details:

    "data": {
      "description": "Bangladesh University of  Business and Technology  (BUBT) organized a virtual Orientation  Program for Spring 2021 Students on April 22, 2021....",
      "downloads": [
          "url": ""
      "images": [
          "url": ""
      "pubDate": "25 Apr 2021",
      "title": "Virtual Orientation for Spring 2021 Students at BUBT"
    "status": "success"

Notice Details:

    "data": {
      "description": "Defense Notice\nThis is to notify the intern students that their Online Internship Defense will be held in Google Meet...",
      "downloads": [
          "url": ""
      "images": [
          "url": ""
      "pubDate": "8 Oct 2021",
      "title": "Defense Notice"
    "status": "success"

Md. Imam Hossain API:(v2)


  "data": [
      "category": "Event",
      "details": {
        "description": "Honorable Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. Muhammed Fayyaz Khan inaugurated the Fire Drill at BUBT...",
        "images": ""
      "id": 199,
      "published_on": "13 Jun 2021",
      "title": "Fire Drill Training at BUBT",
      "url": ""
  "status": "success",
  "type": "event"

Events Details:

  "data": {
    "description": "The 2nd international conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT) arranged by BUBT officially opened on August 05, 2021 in Dhaka, attended by nearly 200 researchers from more than 20 different countries of the world...",
    "images": ""


  "data": [
      "category": "Exam Related",
      "details": {
        "description": "Defense Notice\nThis is to notify the intern students that their Online Internship Defense will be held in Google Meet..",
        "images": ""
      "id": 665,
      "published_on": "8 Oct 2021",
      "title": "Defense Notice",
      "url": ""
  "status": "success",
  "type": "notice"

Notice Details:

  "data": {
    "description": "Defense Notice\nThis is to notify the intern students that their Online Internship Defense will be held in Google Meet...",
    "images": ""

Smart Routine:

  "PHPSESSID": "7d1755fe6c32b74d321fe3d3ba69a4ad",
  "status": "success"


          "course_code":"CSE 101",
          "course_title":"Computer and Programming Concepts",


        "teacher_name": "Dr.Muhammad Firoz Mridha",
        "teacher_code": "DMFM",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "designation": "Associate Professor & Chairman",
        "status": "",
        "link": "",
        "image": ""

🧑 Author

Md. Imam Hossain

You can also follow my GitHub Profile to stay updated about my latest projects:

GitHub Follow

If you liked the repo then kindly support it by giving it a star !

Copyright (c) 2021 MD. IMAM HOSSAIN

Md Imam Hossain
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