Immortal tracker




Our code is tested for Python 3.6.
To install required liabraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Waymo Open Dataset

Prepare dataset & off-the-shelf detections

Download WOD perception dataset:

#Waymo Dataset         
└── waymo
       ├── training (not required)  
       ├── validation   
       ├── testing 

To extract timestamp infos/ego infos from .tfrecord files, run the following:

bash preparedata/waymo/  /


Run the following to convert detection results into to .npz files. The detection results should be in official WOD submission format(.bin)
We recommand you to use CenterPoint(two-frame model for tracking) detection results for reproducing our results. Please follow or email its author for CenterPoint detection results.

bash preparedata/waymo/ 
    /detection_result.bin cp

#you can also use other detections:
#bash preparedata/waymo/ 



Use the following command to start inferencing on WOD. The validation set is used by default.

python --name immortal --det_name cp --config_path configs/waymo_configs/immortal.yaml --process 8

Evaluation with WOD official devkit:

Follow to build the evaluation tools and run the following command for evaluation:

#Convert the tracking results into .bin file
python evaluation/waymo/ --name immortal
#For evaluation

    /bazel-bin/waymo_open_dataset/metrics/tools/compute_tracking_metrics_main mot_results/waymo/validation/immortal/bin/pred.bin 


nuScenes Dataset

Prepare dataset & off-the-shelf detections

Download nuScenes perception dataset

# For nuScenes Dataset         
       ├── samples       
       ├── sweeps       
       ├── maps         
       ├── v1.0-trainval 
       ├── v1.0-test

To extract timestamp infos/ego infos, run the following:

bash preparedata/nuscenes/ 


Run the following to convert detection results into to .npz files. The detection results should be in official nuScenes submission format(.json)
We recommand you to use centerpoint(two-frame model for tracking) detection results for reproducing our results.

bash preparedata/nuscenes/  
    /detection_result.json cp

#you can also use other detections:
#bash preparedata/nuscenes/ 



Use the following command to start inferencing on nuScenes. The validation set is used by default.

python --name immortal --det_name cp --config_path configs/nu_configs/immortal.yaml --process 8

Evaluation with nuScenes official devkit:

Follow to build the official evaluation tools for nuScenes. Run the following command for evaluation:

/nuscenes ">
#To convert tracking results into .json format
bash evaluation/nuscenes/ immortal
#To evaluate
    /nuscenes-devkit/python-sdk/nuscenes/eval/tracking/ \
"./mot_results/nuscenes/validation_2hz/immortal/results/results.json" \
--output_dir "./mot_results/nuscenes/validation_2hz/immortal/results" \
--eval_set "val" \

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