Implementation of CaiT models in TensorFlow and ImageNet-1k checkpoints. Includes code for inference and fine-tuning.


CaiT-TF (Going deeper with Image Transformers)

TensorFlow 2.8 HugginFace badge Models on TF-Hub

This repository provides TensorFlow / Keras implementations of different CaiT [1] variants from Touvron et al. It also provides the TensorFlow / Keras models that have been populated with the original CaiT pre-trained params available from [2]. These models are not blackbox SavedModels i.e., they can be fully expanded into tf.keras.Model objects and one can call all the utility functions on them (example: .summary()).

As of today, all the TensorFlow / Keras variants of the CaiT models listed here are available in this repository.

Refer to the "Using the models" section to get started.

Table of contents


TensorFlow / Keras implementations are available in cait/ Conversion utilities are in


Find the models on TF-Hub here: You can fully inspect the architecture of the TF-Hub models like so:

import tensorflow as tf

model_gcs_path = "gs://tfhub-modules/sayakpaul/cait_xxs24_224/1/uncompressed"
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_gcs_path)

dummy_inputs = tf.ones((2, 224, 224, 3))
_ = model(dummy_inputs)


Results are on ImageNet-1k validation set (top-1 and top-5 accuracies).

model_name top1_acc(%) top5_acc(%)
cait_s24_224 83.368 96.576
cait_xxs24_224 78.524 94.212
cait_xxs36_224 79.76 94.876
cait_xxs36_384 81.976 96.064
cait_xxs24_384 80.648 95.516
cait_xs24_384 83.738 96.756
cait_s24_384 84.944 97.212
cait_s36_384 85.192 97.372
cait_m36_384 85.924 97.598
cait_m48_448 86.066 97.590

Results can be verified with the code in i1k_eval. Results are in line with [1]. Slight differences in the results stemmed from the fact that I used a different set of augmentation transformations. Original transformations suggested by the authors can be found here.

Using the models

Pre-trained models:

These models also output attention weights from each of the Transformer blocks. Refer to this notebook for more details. Additionally, the notebook shows how to visualize the attention maps for a given image (following figures 6 and 7 of the original paper).

Original Image Class Attention Maps Class Saliency Map
cropped image cls attn saliency

For the best quality, refer to the assets directory. You can also generate these plots using the following interactive demos on Hugging Face Spaces:

Randomly initialized models:

from cait.model_configs import base_config
from cait.models import CaiT
import tensorflow as tf
config = base_config.get_config(
cait_xxs24_224 = CaiT(config)

dummy_inputs = tf.ones((2, 224, 224, 3))
_ = cait_xxs24_224(dummy_inputs)

To initialize a network with say, 5 classes, do:

config = base_config.get_config(
with config.unlocked():
    config.num_classes = 5
cait_xxs24_224 = CaiT(config)

To view different model configurations, refer to


[1] CaiT paper:

[2] Official CaiT code:


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