Instance-wise Occlusion and Depth Orders in Natural Scenes (CVPR 2022)


Instance-wise Occlusion and Depth Orders in Natural Scenes

Official source code. Appears at CVPR 2022

This repository provides a new dataset, named InstaOrder, that can be used to understand the geometrical relationships of instances in an image. The dataset consists of 2.9M annotations of geometric orderings for class-labeled instances in 101K natural scenes. The scenes were annotated by 3,659 crowd-workers regarding (1) occlusion order that identifies occluder/occludee and (2) depth order that describes ordinal relations that consider relative distance from the camera. This repository also introduce a geometric order prediction network called InstaOrderNet, which is superior to state-of-the-art approaches.


This code has been developed under Anaconda(Python 3.6), Pytorch 1.7.1, torchvision 0.8.2 and CUDA 10.1. Please install following environments:

# build conda environment
conda create --name order python=3.6
conda activate order

# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install COCO API
pip install 'git+'


Check InstaOrder_vis.ipynb to visualize InstaOrder dataset including instance masks, occlusion order, and depth order.


The experiments folder contains train and test scripts of experiments demonstrated in the paper.

To train {MODEL} with {DATASET},

  1. Download {DATASET} following this.
  2. Set ${base_dir} correctly in experiments/{DATASET}/{MODEL}/config.yaml
  3. (Optional) To train InstaDepthNet, download MiDaS-v2.1 under ${base_dir}/data/out/InstaOrder_ckpt
  4. Run the script file as follow:
    sh experiments/{DATASET}/{MODEL}/
    # Example of training InstaOrderNet^o (Table3 in the main paper) from the scratch
    sh experiments/InstaOrder/InstaOrderNet_o/


  1. Download pretrained models (3.5G) and unzip files following the below structure. Pretrained models are named by {DATASET}_{MODEL}.pth.tar

    |    |--out
    |    |    |--InstaOrder_ckpt
    |    |    |    |--COCOA_InstaOrderNet_o.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--COCOA_OrderNet.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--COCOA_pcnet_m.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_InstaDepthNet_d.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_InstaDepthNet_od.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_InstaOrderNet_d.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_InstaOrderNet_o.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_InstaOrderNet_od.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_OrderNet.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_OrderNet_ext.pth.tar  
    |    |    |    |--InstaOrder_pcnet_m.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--KINS_InstaOrderNet_o.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--KINS_OrderNet.pth.tar
    |    |    |    |--KINS_pcnet_m.pth.tar
  2. (Optional) To test InstaDepthNet, download MiDaS-v2.1 under ${base_dir}/data/out/InstaOrder_ckpt

  3. Set ${base_dir} correctly in experiments/{DATASET}/{MODEL}/config.yaml

  4. To test {MODEL} with {DATASET}, run the script file as follow:

    sh experiments/{DATASET}/{MODEL}/
    # Example of reproducing the accuracy of InstaOrderNet^o (Table3 in the main paper)
    sh experiments/InstaOrder/InstaOrderNet_o/


InstaOrder dataset

To use InstaOrder, download files following the below structure

|    |--COCO
|    |    |--train2017/
|    |    |--val2017/
|    |    |--annotations/
|    |    |    |--instances_train2017.json
|    |    |    |--instances_val2017.json
|    |    |    |--InstaOrder_train2017.json
|    |    |    |--InstaOrder_val2017.json    

COCOA dataset

To use COCOA, download files following the below structure

|    |--COCO
|    |    |--train2014/
|    |    |--val2014/
|    |    |--annotations/
|    |    |    |--COCO_amodal_train2014.json 
|    |    |    |--COCO_amodal_val2014.json
|    |    |    |--COCO_amodal_val2014.json

KINS dataset

To use KINS, download files following the below structure

|    |--KINS
|    |    |--training/
|    |    |--testing/
|    |    |--instances_val.json
|    |    |--instances_train.json

DIW dataset

To use DIW, download files following the below structure

|    |--DIW
|    |    |--DIW_test/
|    |    |--DIW_Annotations
|    |    |    |--DIW_test.csv   

Citing InstaOrder

If you find this code/data useful in your research then please cite our paper:

  title={{Instance-wise Occlusion and Depth Orders in Natural Scenes}},
  author={Hyunmin Lee and Jaesik Park},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the {IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


We have reffered to and borrowed the implementations from Xiaohang Zhan

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