Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On


Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On


[Project website] [Dataset] [Video]


We propose a new generative model for 3D garment deformations that enables us to learn, for the first time, a data-driven method for virtual try-on that effectively addresses garment-body collisions. In contrast to existing methods that require an undesirable postprocessing step to fix garment-body interpenetrations at test time, our approach directly outputs 3D garment configurations that do not collide with the underlying body. Key to our success is a new canonical space for garments that removes pose-and-shape deformations already captured by a new diffused human body model, which extrapolates body surface properties such as skinning weights and blendshapes to any 3D point. We leverage this representation to train a generative model with a novel self-supervised collision term that learns to reliably solve garment-body interpenetrations. We extensively evaluate and compare our results with recently proposed data-driven methods, and show that our method is the first to successfully address garment-body contact in unseen body shapes and motions, without compromising realism and detail.

Running the model

Requirements: python3.8, tensorflow-2.2.1, numpy-1.18.5, scipy-1.7.1, chumpy-0.70

Project structure:

|    └─ images    
|    └─ meshes    
|    └─ CMU       # Not included, see instructions
|    └─ SMPL      # Not included, see instructions
└───rendering     # Code to render meshes 
└───src           # Code to run the model
|    └─ diffused_body  # Networks of the diffused body model (Not included, see instructions)
|    └─ tshirt         # Networks of tshirt model (Not included, see instructions)

Download trained models

  1. Download models of the diffused human body:
  2. Download models of the garment:
  3. Create trained_models directory and extract and there.

Download human model

  1. Sign in into
  2. Download SMPL version 1.0.0 for Python 2.7 (10 shape PCs)
  3. Extract and copy smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl in assets/SMPL

Download animation sequences

  1. Sign in into
  2. Download the body data for the CMU motions (SMPL+H model)
  3. Extract CMU.tar.bz2 in assets/CMU:
tar -C assets/ -xf ~/Downloads/CMU.tar.bz2 CMU/ 

Generate garment animation

To generate the deformed garment meshes for a given sequence:

python assets/CMU/07/07_02_poses.npz --export_dir results/07_02


Requirements: blender-2.93, ffmpeg

To render the meshes:

blender --background rendering/scene.blend --python rendering/ --path results/07_02



If you find this repository useful please cite our work:

@article {santesteban2021garmentcollisions,
    journal = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    title = {{Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On}},
    author = {Santesteban, Igor and Thuerey, Nils and Otaduy, Miguel A and Casas, Dan},
    year = {2021}
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