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Automatic mails sender with attachments.
Note: You need to have gmail account & and you need to turn on "Less secure app access" setting from Security Settings.
DiskStorageAmountChecker What is this script? (このスクリプトは何ですか?) This script check disk storage's available amount of specified servers and send alerting
Securly-Extension-Spammer A spammer to send mass emails to teachers. (Education Purposes only!) Setup Just go a securly blocked page(You can do this b
SMTP checker to check Mail Access via SMTP with easy usage ! Medusa has been written and tested with Python 3.8. It should run on any OS as long as Python and all dependencies are installed.
Suplantar mails de empresas como google, facebook, github, etc...
Upstream status (master branch): Upstream status (next branch): Financial contributors: Links: Official github code repository: offlineimap Website: w
An email generator code in python language. I have done it in the simplest way possible and with no link to an SMTP server. Generating infinite emails until CTRL+C . It is a code that can be used in
Pysces (Python Scheduled-Custom-Email-Sender) Pysces (read: Pisces) is a program to help you send emails with an user-customizable time-based email se
Euserv_extend captcha solver + pin code(Gmail)
autoMail Automated email sending application. This application sends email to a user when added to database. Email message contains the temperature of
Nylas Sync Engine The Nylas Sync Engine provides a RESTful API on top of a powerful email sync platform, making it easy to build apps on top of email.
mailserver About This is the mail server that handles responses from the Contact Form Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key)
Kanmail - An email client that functions like a kanban board, for Mac/Windows/Docker
djmail djmail is a BSD Licensed, simple and nonobstructive django email middleware. Why use djmail? Because it: Sends emails asynchronously without ad
disposable-email-validator installation pip install disposable-email-validator
django-celery-email - A Celery-backed Django Email Backend A Django email backend that uses a Celery queue for out-of-band sending of the messages. Wa
EmailAll A powerful Email Collect tool 0x1 介绍 😲 EmailAll is a powerful Email Co
Django-SES Info: A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service Author: Harry Marr (http://github.com/hmarr, http://twitter.com/harrymarr) C
Send Multiple Mail From List With Python You can send multiple e-mail using HTML themes with Python. Here is the e-mail information to be sent. #The m
Mail.py Python library for sending emails. Installation git clone https://github.com/SunPodder/Mail.py cd Mail.py python setup.py install Usage Imp
Email-Sender Un semplice Email-Sender che utilizza il modulo smtplib con aggiunta di interfaccia grafica realizzata con il modulo tkinter Per il corre