A scanner and a proof of sample exploit for log4j RCE CVE-2021-44228

Isuru Umayanga
😈 Nothing Personal Just a Service 😈
Isuru Umayanga
Experimental musig2 python code, not for production use!

musig2-py Experimental musig2 python code, not for production use! This is just for testing things out. All public keys are encoded as 32 bytes, assum

Samuel Dobson 14 Jul 08, 2022
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.

Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.

Astro 9 Sep 27, 2022

kingkong 解密哥斯拉Godzilla-V2.96 webshell管理工具流量 目前只支持jsp类型的webshell流量解密 Usage 获取攻击者上传到服务器的webshell样本 获取wireshark之类的流量包,一般甲方有科来之类的全流量镜像设备,联系运维人员获取,这里以test.

h4ck for fun 46 Dec 21, 2022
Static Token And Credential Scanner

Static Token And Credential Scanner What is it? STACS is a YARA powered static credential scanner which suports binary file formats, analysis of neste

STACS 81 Dec 27, 2022
Python DNS Lookup: The Domain Name System (DNS) is basically the phonebook of the Internet

-Python-DNS-Lookup- ✨ 🌟 Python DNS Lookup ✨ 🌟 The Domain Name System (DNS) is

Ronnie Atuhaire 2 Feb 14, 2022
Virus-Builder - This tool will generate a virus that can only destroy Windows computer

Virus-Builder - This tool will generate a virus that can only destroy Windows computer. You can also configure to auto run in usb drive

Saad 16 Dec 30, 2022
An intranet tool for easily intranet pentesting

IntarKnife v1.0 a tool can be used in intarnet for easily pentesting moudle hash spray U can use this tool to spray hash on a webshell IntraKnife.exe

4 Nov 24, 2021
JS Deobfuscation is a Python script that deobfuscate JS code and it's time saver for you.

JS Deobfuscation is a Python script that deobfuscate JS code and it's time saver for you. Although it may not work with high degrees of obfuscation, it's a pretty nice tool to help you even if it's j

Quatrecentquatre 3 May 01, 2022
Rapidly enumerate subdomains and domains using rapiddns.io.

Description Simple python module (unofficial) allowing you to access data from rapiddns.io. You can also use it as a module. As mentioned on the rapid

27 Dec 31, 2022
A token logger for discord + steals Brave/Chrome passwords and usernames

Backdoor Machine - ❗ For educational purposes only ❗ A program made in python for stealing passwords and usernames from Google Chrome/Brave and tokenl

36 Jul 18, 2021
log4j2 passive burp rce scanning tool get post cookie full parameter recognition

log4j2_burp_scan 自用脚本log4j2 被动 burp rce扫描工具 get post cookie 全参数识别,在ceye.io api速率限制下,最大线程扫描每一个参数,记录过滤已检测地址,重复地址 token替换为你自己的http://ceye.io/ token 和域名地址

5 Dec 10, 2021
A hashtag check python module

A hashtag check python module

Fayas Noushad 3 Aug 10, 2022
BF-Hash - A Python Tool to decrypt hashes by brute force

BF-Hash Herramienta para descifrar hashes por fuerza bruta Instalación git clone

5 Apr 09, 2022
Fast subdomain scanner, Takes arguments from a Json file ("args.json") and outputs the subdomains.

Fast subdomain scanner, Takes arguments from a Json file ("args.json") and outputs the subdomains. File Structure core/ colors.py db/ wordlist.txt REA

whoami security 4 Jul 02, 2022
A Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library

pyOpenSSL -- A Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library Note: The Python Cryptographic Authority strongly suggests the use of pyca/cryptography where

Python Cryptographic Authority 795 Dec 29, 2022
Implementation of an attack on a tropical algebra discrete logarithm based protocol

Implementation of an attack on a tropical algebra discrete logarithm based protocol This code implements the attack detailed in the paper: On the trop

3 Dec 30, 2021
OMIGOD! OM I GOOD? A free scanner to detect VMs vulnerable to one of the

omigood (OM I GOOD?) This repository contains a free scanner to detect VMs vulnerable to one of the "OMIGOD" vulnerabilities discovered by Wiz's threa

Marco Simioni 13 Jul 13, 2022
LittleBrother is a simple parental control application monitoring specific processes on Linux hosts to monitor and limit the play time of children.

Parental Control Application LittleBrother Overview LittleBrother is a simple parental control application monitoring specific processes (read "games"

40 Dec 21, 2022
Open source vulnerability DB and triage service.

OSV - Open Source Vulnerabilities OSV is a vulnerability database and triage infrastructure for open source projects aimed at helping both open source

Google 893 Jan 04, 2023