My solutions for the 2021's Advent of Code


Advent of Code 2021

My solutions for Advent of Code 2021. This year I am practicing Python 🐍 and also trying to develop my own language, Chocolate 🍫 .

Day Python Choco
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Script for starting a new day

./ <day_name>


Running code

python python/day<day_name>.py <filename>

where is usually simple or full.

Testing code

...TODO? :)


<choco compiler> choco/day<day_name>.choco

Other language candidates

  • Ruby or Crystal too see what Ruby feels like?
  • Zig or Go to learn another systems language?
  • Java, Kotlin, C++ to polish skills?
Jakob Erzar
A CS student with a passion for everything programming and computers.
Jakob Erzar
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