a simple python script that monitors the binance hotwallet and refunds the withdrawal fee to encourage people to withdraw their Nano and help decentralisation
Additional Required Libs:
a simple python script that monitors the binance hotwallet and refunds the withdrawal fee to encourage people to withdraw their Nano and help decentralisation
Additional Required Libs:
42 Event Notifier 42서울 Agenda에 새로운 이벤트가 등록되면 알려드립니다! 현재는 Github Issue로 등록되므로 상단
Table of Contents Table of Contents Ghostbuster The problem Project Features Ins
aiopygismeteo Асинхронная обёртка для Синхронная версия здесь. Установка python -m pip install -U aiopygismeteo Документация https://aiop
ワードウルフBot requirements.txtから依存ライブラリをインストールしてください discordのトークン/Google spread sheetのキー/Sheetの名前を.envに書き込んでください DISCORD_TOKEN SHEET_KEY SHEET_NAME また、.sh
limnopapers Code to monitor limnology RSS feeds and tweet new articles. Scope The keywords and journal choices herein aim to focus on limnology (the s
DUSC-Bot Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community! Libraries Used Pycord - Documentation Features Can purge messages in bulk Drop-D
twitch-leak-bot-discord A bot to display per user data from the Twitch Leak by username Where's the data? I can't and don't want to supply the .csv's
Telegram Forwarder Quick Start This application using docker, docker-compose to run. So I suppose that you can install these two things. Prepare essen
We are a group of like-minded people trying to make access to weather data in Python feel like a warm summer breeze, similar to other projects like rdwd for the R language, which originally drew our
Spyse CLI The official command-line client for NOTE: This tool is currently in the early stage beta and shouldn't be used in production. Yo
Making life easy of those who are in need of OpenSource alternative of AWS Secure Tunnel.
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WatonAPI is an API used to connect to spigot servers with the WatonPlugin to communicate. You can send messages to the server and read messages, making it useful for cross-chat programs.
Zendesk Ticket Viewer is a lightweight commandline client for fetching and displaying tickets from a Zendesk account provided by the user.
A quick and dirty script to scan the network, find default credentials on services and post a message to a Slack channel with the results.
crud-python-sqlite This program is used to manage telephone contacts through python and sqlite. Dependencicas python3 sqlite3 Installation Clone the r
BattleshAPy The Python SDK for the BattleshAPI game Installation This library will be eventually going on PyPI, but until then, simply clone or downlo
Welcome to binex_f v0.1.0 many interfaces are heavily used by myself in product environment, the websocket is reliable (re)connected. Latest version:
Kazuko Robot A Telegram Python bot running on python3 forked with saitama and DiasyX with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed persona to make
Emilia Project Emilia-Prjkt is a modular bot running on python3 with anime theme and have a lot features. Easiest Way To Deploy On Heroku This Bot is