MODALS: Modality-agnostic Automated Data Augmentation in the Latent Space

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Update (20 Jan 2020): MODALS on text data is avialable


MODALS: Modality-agnostic Automated Data Augmentation in the Latent Space

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Run Search
  4. Run Training
  5. Citation


MODALS is a framework to apply automated data augmentation to augment data for any modality in a generic way. It exploits automated data augmentation to fine-tune four universal data transformation operations in the latent space to adapt the transform to data of different modalities.

This repository contains code for the work "MODALS: Modality-agnostic Automated Data Augmentation in the Latent Space" ( implemented using the PyTorch library. It includes searching and training of the SST2 and TREC6 datasets.

Getting Started

Code supports Python 3.

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up directory path

In modals/, specify the dataset path for DATA_DIR and the path to the directory that contains the glove embeddings for EMB_DIR.

Run MODALS search

Script to search for the augmentation policy for SST2 and TREC6 datasets is located in scripts/ Pass the dataset name as the arguement to call the script.

For example, to search for the augmentation policy for SST2 dataset:

bash scripts/ sst2

The training log and candidate policies of the search will be output to the ./ray_experiments directory.

Run MODALS training

Two searched policy is included in the ./schedule directory. The script to apply the searched policy for training SST2 and TREC6 is located in scripts/ Pass the dataset name as the arguement to call the script.

bash scripts/ sst2


If you use MODALS in your research, please cite:

  title     =  {{\{}MODALS{\}}: Modality-agnostic Automated Data Augmentation in the Latent Space},
  author    =  {Tsz-Him Cheung and Dit-Yan Yeung},
  booktitle =  {International Conference on Learning Representations},
  year      =  {2021},
  url       =  {}
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