Developing a python based app prototype with KivyMD framework for a competition :))



Description and Purpose of each file:

  1. colours.txt: all the colour options provided by KivyMD for different elements (Note: the background can be either dark or light)
  2. the base developement file written with python and kv lang [includes: login and blank menu]
  3. the script provided by Kivy to check all the icons and symbols provided by the library for use
  4. logo: CONQUER MARS
  5. the base developement file written with python and no kv lang (except for the screen manager part) [includes: login]

IMPORTANT: If the Judges dont allow us usage of KV lang (which would be a kinda dumb decision) we will be left with 3 options:-

  1. We will have to somehow either write entire app in pure python
  2. Give up on spot
  3. Fight with them and make them allow usage of KV language

#They better allow us inline KV lang because it would be like we are writing some inline json inside python and calling that script entirely json or not calling it a python script#

Good luck boys!

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