End-to-end speech secognition toolkit


End-to-end speech secognition toolkit

This is an E2E ASR toolkit modified from Espnet1 (version 0.9.9).
This is the official implementation of paper:
Consistent Training and Decoding For End-to-end Speech Recognition Using Lattice-free MMI
This is also the official implementation of paper:
Improving Mandarin End-to-End Speech Recognition with Word N-gram Language Model
We achieve state-of-the-art results on two of the most popular results in Aishell-1 and AIshell-2 Mandarin datasets.
Please feel free to change / modify the code as you like. :)


  • 2021/12/29: Release the first version, which contains all MMI-related features, including MMI training criteria, MMI Prefix Score (for attention-based encoder-decoder, AED) and MMI Alignment Score (For neural transducer, NT).
  • 2022/1/6: Release the word-level N-gram LM scorer.


The main dependencies of this code can be divided into three part: kaldi, espnet and k2.

  1. kaldi is mainly used for feature extraction. To install kaldi, please follow the instructions here.
  2. Espnet is a open-source end-to-end speech recognition toolkit. please follow the instructions here to install its environment.
    2.1. Pytorch, cudatoolkit, along with many other dependencies will be install automatically during this process. 2.2. If you are going to use NT models, you are recommend to install a RNN-T warpper. Please run ${ESPNET_ROOT}/tools/installer/install_warp-transducer.sh
    2.3. Once you have installed the espnet envrionment successfully, please run pip uninstall espnet to remove the espnet library. So our code will be used.
    2.4. Also link the kaldi in ${ESPNET_ROOT}: ln -s ${KALDI-ROOT} ${ESPNET_ROOT}
  3. k2 is a python-based FST library. Please follow the instructions here to install it. GPU version is required.
    3.1. To use word N-gram LM, please also install kaldilm
  4. There might be some dependency conflicts during building the environment. We report ours below as a reference:
    4.1 OS: CentOS 7; GCC 7.3.1; Python 3.8.10; CUDA 10.1; Pytorch 1.7.1; k2-fsa 1.2 (very old for now)
    4.2 Other python libraries are in requirement.txt (It is not recommend to use this file to build the environment directly).


Currently we have released examples on Aishell-1 and Aishell-2 datasets.

With MMI training & decoding methods and the word-level N-gram LM. We achieve results on Aishell-1 and Aishell-2 as below. All results are in CER%

Test set Aishell-1-dev Aishell-1-test Aishell-2-ios Aishell-2-android Aishell-2-mic
AED 4.73 5.32 5.73 6.56 6.53
AED + MMI + Word Ngram 4.08 4.45 5.26 6.22 5.92
NT 4.41 4.81 5.70 6.75 6.58
NT + MMI + Word Ngram 3.86 4.18 5.06 6.08 5.98

(example on Librispeech is not fully prepared)

Get Start

Take Aishell-1 as an example. Working process for other examples are very similar.
Prepare data and LMs

cd ${ESPNET_ROOT}/egs/aishell1
source path.sh
bash prepare.sh # prepare the data

split the json file of training data for each GPU. (we use 8GPUs)

python3 espnet_utils/splitjson.py -p 


Training and decoding for NT model:

bash nt.sh      # to train the nueal transducer model

Training and decoding for AED model:

bash aed.sh     # or to train the attention-based encoder-decoder model

Several Hint:

  1. Please change the paths in path.sh accordingly before you start
  2. Please change the data to config your data path in prepare.sh
  3. Our code runs in DDP style. Before you start, you need to set them manually. We assume Pytorch distributed API works well on your machine.
export HOST_GPU_NUM=x       # number of GPUs on each host
export HOST_NUM=x           # number of hosts
export NODE_NUM=x           # number of GPUs in total (on all hosts)
export INDEX=x              # index of this host
export CHIEF_IP=xx.xx.xx.xx # IP of the master host
  1. Multiple choices are available during decoding (we take aed.sh as an example, but the usage of nt.sh is the same).
    To use the MMI-related scorers, you need train the model with MMI auxiliary criterion;

To use MMI Prefix Score (in AED) or MMI Alignment score (in NT):

bash aed.sh --stage 2 --mmi-weight 0.2

To use any external LM, you need to train them in advance (as implemented in prepare.sh)

To use word-level N-gram LM:

bash aed.sh --stage 2 --word-ngram-weight 0.4

To use character-level N-gram LM:

bash aed.sh --stage 2 --ngram-weight 1.0

To use neural network LM:

bash aed.sh --stage 2 --lm-weight 1.0


kaldi: https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi
Espent: https://github.com/espnet/espnet
k2-fsa: https://github.com/k2-fsa/k2


  title={Consistent Training and Decoding For End-to-end Speech Recognition Using Lattice-free MMI},  
  author={Tian, Jinchuan and Yu, Jianwei and Weng, Chao and Zhang, Shi-Xiong and Su, Dan and Yu, Dong and Zou, Yuexian},  
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02498},  

      title={Improving Mandarin End-to-End Speech Recognition with Word N-gram Language Model}, 
      author={Jinchuan Tian and Jianwei Yu and Chao Weng and Yuexian Zou and Dong Yu},


Jinchuan Tian; [email protected] or [email protected]
Jianwei Yu; [email protected] (supervisor)
Chao Weng; [email protected]
Yuexian Zou; [email protected]

Jinchuan Tian
Graduate student @ Peking University, Shenzhen; Research intern @ Tencent AI LAB;
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