Passphrase-wordlist - Shameless clone of passphrase wordlist


This repository is NOT official -- the original repository is located on GitLab at

This repository is only a tribute


People think they are getting smarter by using passphrases. Let's prove them wrong!

This project includes a massive wordlist of phrases (over 20 million) and two hashcat rule files for GPU-based cracking. The rules will create over 1,000 permutations of each phase.

To use this project, you need:

  • The wordlist hosted here (right-click, save-as).
  • Both hashcat rules here.



Generally, you will use with hashcat's -a 0 mode which takes a wordlist and allows rule files. It is important to use the rule files in the correct order, as rule #1 mostly handles capital letters and spaces, and rule #2 deals with permutations.

Here is an example for NTLMv2 hashes: If you use the -O option, watch out for what the maximum password length is set to - it may be too short.

hashcat -a 0 -m 5600 hashes.txt passphrases.txt -r passphrase-rule1.rule -r passphrase-rule2.rule -O -w 3

Sources Used

Some sources are pulled from a static dataset, like a Kaggle upload. Others I generate myself using various scripts and APIs. I might one day automate that via CI, but for now you can see how I update the dynamic sources here.

source file name source type description
wiktionary-2021-09-29.txt dynamic Article titles scraped from Wiktionary's index dump here.
wikipedia-2021-09-29.txt dynamic Article titles scraped from the Wikipedia pages-articles-multistream-index dump generated 29-Sept-2021 here.
urban-dictionary-2021-09-29.txt dynamic Urban Dictionary dataset pulled using this script.
know-your-meme-2021-09-29.txt dynamic Meme titles from KnownYourMeme scraped using my tool here.
imdb-titles-2021-09-29.txt dynamic IMDB dataset using the "primaryTitle" column from title.basics.tsv.gz file available here
global-poi-2021-09-29.txt dynamic Global POI dataset using the 'allCountries' file from 29-Sept-2021.
billboard-titles-2021-10-04.txt dynamic Album and track names using Ultimate Music Database, scraped with a fork of mwkling's tool, modified to grab Billboard Singles (1940-2021) and Billboard Albums (1970-2021) charts.
billboard-artists-2021-10-04.txt dynamic Artist names using Ultimate Music Database, scraped with a fork of mwkling's tool, modified to grab Billboard Singles (1940-2021) and Billboard Albums (1970-2021) charts.
book.txt static Kaggle dataset with titles from over 300,000 books.
rstone-top-100.txt static
(could be dynamic in future)
Song lyrics for Rolling Stone's "top 100" artists using my lyric scraping tool.
cornell-movie-titles-raw.txt static Movie titles from this Cornell project.
cornell-movie-lines.txt static Movie lines from this Cornell project.
author-quotes-raw.txt static Quotables dataset on Kaggle.
1800-phrases-raw.txt static 1,800 English Phrases.
15k-phrases-raw.txt static 15,000 Useful Phrases.

Hashcat Rules

The rule files are designed to both "shape" the password and to mutate it. Shaping is based on the idea that human beings follow fairly predictable patterns when choosing a password, such as capitalising the first letter of each word and following the phrase with a number or special character. Mutations are also fairly predictable, such as replacing letters with visually-similar special characters.

Given the phrase take the red pill the first hashcat rule will output the following:

take the red pill
Take the red pill
Take The Red Pill

Adding in the second hashcat rule makes things get a bit more interesting. That will return a huge list per candidate. Here are a couple examples:

[email protected]!
[email protected]

Additional Info

Optionally, some researchers might be interested in:

  • The raw source files mentioned in the table above. You can download them by appending the file name to
  • The script I use to clean the raw sources into the wordlist here.

The cleanup script works like this:

$ python3.6 infile.txt outfile.txt
Reading from ./infile.txt: 505 MB
Wrote to ./outfile.txt: 250 MB
Elapsed time: 0:02:53.062531


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