CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Test Scripts


CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Test Scripts

🤷‍♂️ What's this? 🤷‍♀️

This repository contains Python scripts to automate tests for most of the CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python projects.

It does not contain any project solution/spoiler, as per the course's Academic Honesty policy.


This is a student-initiated project. Passing these test cases does not guarantee that you will receive a full grade from the official CS50 AI's teaching team.

📖 Table of Contents

Lecture Concept Project Test Script Description
Search Breadth First Search Degrees degrees_test.py Run test cases given by problem description and this discussion
Search Minimax Tic-Tac-Toe tictactoe_test.py Let your AI play against itself for 10 rounds
Knowledge Model Checking Knights puzzle_test.py Check the correctness of the 4 puzzle results
Knowledge Knowledge Engineering Minesweeper minesweeper_test.py Check if your AI has ≈90% win rate over 1000 simulations
Uncertainty Bayesian Networks Heredity heredity_test.py Run test cases given by problem description and this discussion
Uncertainty Markov Models PageRank pagerank_test.py Compare the output of the 2 implemented functions
Optimization Constraint Satisfaction Crossword generate_test.py Generate crosswords using all 9 different structure + words combination and a special test case from this discussion
Learning Nearest-Neighbor Classification Shopping shopping_test.py Check the information is parsed correctly and result is within a reasonable range
Learning Reinforcement Learning Nim nim_test.py Check if the AI which moves second has a 100% win rate

🛠️ How to Run Tests


  1. Make sure you have Python3 installed in your machine. Anything above Python 3.4+ should work.
  2. Install pytest by running pip install pytest in a terminal. More information about pip here.
  3. Make a copy of the test file and paste it in the same folder as the project that you want to test.

    For example, if you want to test your code for degrees.py, make a copy of degrees_test.py in the same folder as your degrees.py and other files that came along with the project, like util.py, large/ and small/.

  4. Navigate to the project folder and run pytest or pytest _test.py in a terminal.

    For example, navigate to degrees/ and run pytest or pytest degrees_test.py.



🚩 Useful pytest Flags

  • Run pytest -s to show print statements in the console
  • Run pytest -vv for verbose mode
  • Combine both flags pytest -s -vv for extra verbose mode
  • Run pytest --durations=n to see the n slowest execution time
  • Install pytest-repeat with pip and then run pytest --count n to repeat the test for n times

💻 My Setup

Each test should take less than 30 seconds, depending on Python's I/O and your code efficiency.

  • Windows 10 Home Build 19042
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
  • Python 3.9.5 64-bit
  • Visual Studio Code w/Pylance (latest release)

🏆 Acknowledgement

Special thanks to these fellow CS50AI classmates who contributed some of the test cases on the Ed discussion site!

  • Ken Walker
  • Naveena A S
  • Ricardo L
Jet Kan
Tutor and Computer Science Undergraduate, National University of Singapore (NUS)
Jet Kan
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