Small Python library that adds password hashing methods to ORM objects


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Password Mixin

Mixin that adds some useful methods to ORM objects

Compatible with Python 3.5 >= 3.9


pip install password-mixin


first create your objects (or ORM model) and add a __hash_secret__ meta field. Assign your application's secret value to __hash_secret__.

from password_mixin import PasswordMixin
from sqlalchemy import Model # or Django , Flask-Sqlalchemy... etc.

class UserModel(OrmModel, PasswordMixin):
    password = Column(String()) # you must have a `password`.
    # Now create a meta field to define the secret used to create the salt, for example:
    __hash_secret__ = "your-app-secret"


The password is saved as the following: "<hash_name>:<hash>"

Password Hashing

from password_mixin import PasswordAttributeError
    user = UserModel()
    user.password = "wizard123"
    user.hash_password() # password is now `sha256:7ac5cf88e8c9d262b49af168d9c30e47f2945cc9c207f20af0a39f09aa04595e`
    # Now you can save your user to your db etc.
except PasswordAttributeError:
    # handle no password attribute

Validating Passwords

from password_mixin import PasswordMatchError

except PasswordMatchError:
     # handle passwords don't match

Example with Flask & Flask-Sqlalchemy

class UserModel(db.Model, PasswordMixin):

    __tablename__ = "users"
    __hash_secret__ = "wizard123"

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    email = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
    password = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)

    def create_user(self):

Now, with the above setup you can run the following

u = UserModel(email="[email protected]", password="wizard123")
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