SimplEx - Explaining Latent Representations with a Corpus of Examples
Code Author: Jonathan Crabbé ([email protected])
This repository contains the implementation of SimplEx, a method to explain the latent representations of black-box models with the help of a corpus of examples. For more details, please read our NeurIPS 2021 paper: 'Explaining Latent Representations with a Corpus of Examples'.
- Clone the repository
- Create a new virtual environment with Python 3.8
- Run the following command from the repository folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt #install requirements
When the packages are installed, SimplEx can directly be used.
Toy example
Bellow, you can find a toy demonstration where we make a corpus decomposition of test examples representations. All the relevant code can be found in the file simplex.
from explainers.simplex import Simplex
from models.base import BlackBox
# Get the model and the examples
model = BlackBox() # Model should have the BlackBox interface
corpus_inputs = get_corpus() # A tensor of corpus inputs
test_inputs = get_test() # A set of inputs to explain
# Compute the corpus and test latent representations
corpus_latents = model.latent_representation(corpus_inputs)
test_latents = model.latent_representation(test_inputs)
# Initialize SimplEX, fit it on test examples
simplex = Simplex(corpus_examples=corpus_inputs,
# Get the weights of each corpus decomposition
weights = simplex.weights
We get a tensor weights that can be interpreted as follows: weights[i,c] = weight of corpus example c in the decomposition of example i
We can get the importance of each corpus feature for the decomposition of a given example i
in the following way:
# Compute the Integrated Jacobian for a particular example
i = 42
input_baseline = get_baseline() # Baseline tensor of the same shape as corpus_inputs
simplex.jacobian_projections(test_id=i, model=model,
result = simplex.decompose(i)
We get a list result
where each element of the list corresponds to a corpus example. This list is sorted by decreasing order of importance in the corpus decomposition. Each element of the list is a tuple structured as follows:
w_c, x_c, proj_jacobian_c = result[c]
Where w_c
corresponds to the weight weights[i,c]
, x_c
corresponds to corpus_inputs[c]
and proj_jacobian
is a tensor such that proj_jacobian_c[k]
is the Projected Jacobian of feature k
from corpus example c
Reproducing the paper results
Reproducing MNIST Approximation Quality Experiment
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 9)
python -m experiments.mnist -experiment "approximation_quality" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m experiments.results.mnist.quality.plot_results -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots and data are saved here.
Reproducing Prostate Cancer Approximation Quality Experiment
This experiment requires the access to the private datasets CUTRACT and SEER decribed in the paper.
- Copy the files
are in the folderdata/Prostate Cancer
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 9)
python -m experiments.prostate_cancer -experiment "approximation_quality" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m experiments.results.prostate.quality.plot_results -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots are saved here.
Reproducing Prostate Cancer Outlier Experiment
This experiment requires the access to the private datasets CUTRACT and SEER decribed in the paper.
- Make sure that the files
are in the folderdata/Prostate Cancer
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 9)
python -m experiments.prostate_cancer -experiment "outlier_detection" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m experiments.results.prostate.outlier.plot_results -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots are saved here.
Reproducing MNIST Jacobian Projection Significance Experiment
- Run the following script
python -m experiments.mnist -experiment "jacobian_corruption"
2.The resulting plots and data are saved here.
Reproducing MNIST Outlier Detection Experiment
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 9)
python -m experiments.mnist -experiment "outlier_detection" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m experiments.results.mnist.outlier.plot_results -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots and data are saved here.
Reproducing MNIST Influence Function Experiment
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 4)
python -m experiments.mnist -experiment "influence" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m experiments.results.mnist.influence.plot_results -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots and data are saved here.
Note: some problems can appear with the package Pytorch Influence Functions. If this is the case, please change
in the following way:
343: influences.append(tmp_influence) ==> influences.append(tmp_influence.cpu())
438: influences_meta['test_sample_index_list'] = sample_list ==> #influences_meta['test_sample_index_list'] = sample_list
Reproducing AR Approximation Quality Experiment
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 4)
python -m experiments.time_series -experiment "approximation_quality" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots and data are saved here.
Reproducing AR Outlier Detection Experiment
- Run the following script for different values of CV (the results from the paper were obtained by taking all integer CV between 0 and 4)
python -m experiments.time_series -experiment "outlier_detection" -cv CV
- Run the following script by adding all the values of CV from the previous step
python -m -cv_list CV1 CV2 CV3 ...
- The resulting plots and data are saved here.
If you use this code, please cite the associated paper:
Put citation here when ready