IMDb + Auto + Unlimited Filter BoT


Telegram Movie Bot


  • Auto Filter
  • Manuel Filter
  • IMDB
  • Admin Commands
  • Broadcast
  • Index
  • IMDB search
  • Inline Search
  • Random pics
  • ids and User info
  • Stats, Users, Chats, Ban, Unban, Leave, Disable, Channel
  • Spelling Check Feature


Required Variables

  • BOT_TOKEN: Create a bot using @BotFather, and get the Telegram API token.
  • API_ID: Get this value from
  • API_HASH: Get this value from
  • CHANNELS: Username or ID of channel or group. Separate multiple IDs by space
  • ADMINS: Username or ID of Admin. Separate multiple Admins by space
  • DATABASE_URI: mongoDB URI. Get this value from mongoDB. For more help watch this video
  • DATABASE_NAME: Name of the database in mongoDB. For more help watch this video
  • LOG_CHANNEL : A channel to log the activities of bot. Make sure bot is an admin in the channel.

Optional Variables

  • IMDB: Imdb, the view of information when making True/False.
  • SINGLE_BUTTON: choose b/w single or double buttons True/False.

larger result buttons

larger results will be better for reading.

at now: 139601786-7af37bab-549d-4f96-a65f-96e2d09b5ce0

add optional larger result buttons: 139601808-04b7726e-3e58-48a1-bb1a-d946f1d3fdcd

  • P_TTI_SHOW_OFF: Customize Result Buttons to Callback or Url by (True = url / False = callback).
  • PICS: Telegraph links of images to show in start message.( Multiple images can be used seperated by space )
  • Check for more


You can deploy this bot anywhere.

Deploy to Heroku


Deploy to Railway

Deploy to VPS

git clone
# Install Packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Edit with variables as given below then run bot

Admin commands

• /logs - to get the rescent errors
• /stats - to get status of files in db.
* /filter - add manual filters
* /filters - view filters
* /connect - connect to PM.
* /disconnect - disconnect from PM
* /del - delete a filter
* /delall - delete all filters
* /deleteall - delete all index(autofilter)
* /delete - delete a specific file from index.
* /info - get user info
* /id - get tg ids.
* /imdb - fetch info from imdb.
• /users - to get list of my users and ids.
• /chats - to get list of the my chats and ids 
• /index - to add files from a channel
• /leave - to leave from a chat.
• /disable - do disable a chat.
* /enable - re-enable chat.
• /ban_users - to ban a user.
• /unban_users - to unban a user.
• /channel - to get list of total connected channels
• /broadcast - to broadcast a message to all Eva Maria users


telegram badge telegram badge


  • Zaute-Km

Thanks to


GNU Affero General Public License 3.0
Licensed under GNU AGPL 3.0. Selling The Codes To Other People For Money Is Strictly Prohibited.

Jos Projects
Official Organisation of @zautekm
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