Alternative StdLib for Nim for Python targets


Alternative StdLib for Nim for Python targets


For more documentation, use Python official documentation, works too.


  • 1 Dependency only.
  • 1 Nim module per 1 Python module.
  • Module files are <200 lines each of pure Nim code.
  • Arbitrary precision big Decimals with all the operators for Nim.
  • Compatible with ARC and ORC deterministic memory nanagement.
  • Enforces real strong inferred static typing with UFCS for Python.
  • Same API as Python StdLib, same function names, same argument names (Names starting and ending with double underscore are not legal in Nim).
  • Use the vanilla official Python StdLib that you already know by memory.
  • Same module filenames as Python StdLib, same imports as Python StdLib.
  • Documentation online, but also any Python documentation should work too.
  • Simple code using template, easy to hack for new users, KISS & DRY.
  • Stuff deprecated/removed in Python before year 2020 will not be supported.
  • We do not deprecate stuff, even if Python deprecate/remove it, it will keep working for Nim.
  • Each file is completely self-contained standalone, you can copy just 1 file on your project and use it.
  • If Python removes a module from StdLib you must obtain the .py file somehow, but the .nim remains.
  • It does not use anything from Nim standard library, very future-proof (uses Nimpy for Python-Nim interop, but other than that they are thin wrappers, with minimal dependency on StdLib).
  • Package version == Python version.
  • Pet the turtle.


  • Python ( >2.7 works but unsupported, >3.5 minimal, >=3.10 recommended ).


nimble install cpython


nimble install


Doing JavaScript or Web Dev ?


The idea comes from the community of "Nim en Espanol" Telegram group (Spanish).


  • Whole new StdLib becomes usable for Nim, without Nim having to spend resources.
  • Showcase easy interoperability of Nim (CTypes is harder, Python is verbose, etc).
  • Arbitrary precision big Decimals for Nim.
  • Others do it too (Scala/Kotlin uses Java StbLib, Swift uses Objective-C StdLib, etc).
  • Python does it too, Python is written in C therefore using C StdLib.
  • Make others work improving libs that you can use in Nim.
  • A place to pile up "Nim-ified" Python stuff.

See also

Juan Carlos
.10x frAgile FullStuck Midend Devlooper, Python & Nim, Arch & OpenSource, EN|ES, Argentina, UTC-3, UTF-8, UFCS
Juan Carlos
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