Yuyu Scanner is a Web Reconnaissance & Web Analysis Scanner to find assets and information about targets.


Yuyu Scanner

Yuyu Scanner is a Web Reconnaissance & Web Analysis Scanner to find assets and information about targets.


   ! run as root
   ~$ chmod +x install.sh
   ~$ ./install.sh



This Gui is made using Electron JS and Bootstrap


This CLI was created using the python language program



  • Available for Gui Version

  • Subdomain Discovery with Passive Method from Public Api

  • Top 10 port scanning with NMAP

  • Url Discovery from waybackurl

  • IP Discovery

  • Title Discovery of target

  • Common sensitive files Discovery

  • Status code Discovery from subdomain result

  • Reverse IP with Passive Method from Public Api

  • Checking Collected Subdomain and IP Address

  • Email Address Discovery with Passive Method from Public Api

  • WHOIS Lookup

  • Save all Discovery result

  • Generate HTML Report

  • Generate JSON Report

  • Multiprocessing


  • Basic Arguments:

            ~$ python3 yuyu.py -u domain.com [arg]

            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
            -u URL, --url URL     Target URL
            -g, --gui             Run Yuyu in Gui Mode
            -sp, --scanport       Port Discovery from Discovery IP
            -ri, --revip          Reverse IP from target URL
            -wl, --whois          Whois Lookup from target URL
            -cu, --collecturl     Collect URL from target URL & Subdomain Result
            -ed, --emaildiscover  Email Discovery jfrom Subdomain Result
            -fs, --filesensitive  Find Sensitive Files from Subdomain Result

Run Gui

  bash gui.sh run

Stop Gui

  bash gui.sh stop


Contact me


Credits & Thanks

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