A multipurpose, semi-modular Discord bot written in Python with the new discord.py module.


Discord.py Reaction Bot


A multipurpose, semi-modular Discord bot written in Python with the new discord.py module.

Discord.py Python

Installing dependencies

The following packages are required to run (as well as Python 3.5 or over):

python -m pip install discord

To easily setup Mirai and change tokens, you should use the config.py script.

Not working? Try replacing python with py or python3.

Downloading the source code

To download with Git, type this command into a terminal:

git clone k-rite/mirai-kuriyama-discord.py

Alternatively, you can use the GitHub Desktop Client to download it.

You can also download the repository as a ZIP or TAR file.

To run the script on Windows with Git Bash.

Setting up and config

MIrai comes with a config.py file. Here you will add your Discord App token, and add startup extensions. You can generate a token at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me.

Find the string "token here" in the config file and replace it with your token.

In the config.py file, you can also customise insults, error messages, bot prefix, bot description and the file you want the bot to log events to. (MORE WILL BE ADDED IN FUTURE VERSIONS)

Creating an extension (cog)

Inside the misc folder, you will find templates for commands and cogs.

You can refer to this documentation for how to create a cog.

Loading/Unloading an extension (cog)

Use the command load to load commands from startup_extensions in config.py. You can unload them separately with the unload command.

You can also load cogs from a folder, by using the format: folder.filename

Mirai's plugins are found in the cogs folder.

Starting the bot

You can start the bot by launching main.py directly, or using a Python IDE such as Thonny.

Inviting to servers

Use the Discord Permissions Calculator to invite the bot to your server using the ID printed to the console, and make sure that it has admin permissions.

If you want to invite your bot to other people's servers, make sure to tick "Public bot" on the Apps page.


Make sure to always update Mirai. You can create GitHub Webhooks for Discord to get notified whenever a repo is updated.

When you do this, always keep a backup! It's also useful to write down your token, but NEVER give this to anyone you don't trust, or publish it to your GitHub. Don't worry though - you can generate a new token whenever you want on the Discord developer portal.

To read and edit this document properly offline, Atom and VS Code both have a built-in Markdown Previewer that you can open by hitting ctrl + shift + v on a PC or cmd + shift + v on a Mac.

See Also

See the discord.py repo for more information on the API: https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py

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