PyTorch Implementation of VAENAR-TTS: Variational Auto-Encoder based Non-AutoRegressive Text-to-Speech Synthesis.


VAENAR-TTS - PyTorch Implementation

PyTorch Implementation of VAENAR-TTS: Variational Auto-Encoder based Non-AutoRegressive Text-to-Speech Synthesis.



You can install the Python dependencies with

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


You have to download the pretrained models and put them in output/ckpt/LJSpeech/.

For English single-speaker TTS, run

python3 --text "YOUR_DESIRED_TEXT" --restore_step RESTORE_STEP --mode single -p config/LJSpeech/preprocess.yaml -m config/LJSpeech/model.yaml -t config/LJSpeech/train.yaml

The generated utterances will be put in output/result/.

Batch Inference

Batch inference is also supported, try

python3 --source preprocessed_data/LJSpeech/val.txt --restore_step RESTORE_STEP --mode batch -p config/LJSpeech/preprocess.yaml -m config/LJSpeech/model.yaml -t config/LJSpeech/train.yaml

to synthesize all utterances in preprocessed_data/LJSpeech/val.txt



The supported datasets are

  • LJSpeech: a single-speaker English dataset consists of 13100 short audio clips of a female speaker reading passages from 7 non-fiction books, approximately 24 hours in total.


First, run

python3 config/LJSpeech/preprocess.yaml

for some preparations. And then run the preprocessing script.

python3 config/LJSpeech/preprocess.yaml


Train your model with

python3 -p config/LJSpeech/preprocess.yaml -m config/LJSpeech/model.yaml -t config/LJSpeech/train.yaml



tensorboard --logdir output/log/LJSpeech

to serve TensorBoard on your localhost. The loss curves, synthesized mel-spectrograms, and audios are shown.

Implementation Issues

  • Removed arguments, methods during converting Tensorflow to PyTorch: name, kwargs, training, get_config()
  • Specify in_features in LinearNorm which is corresponding to tf.keras.layers.Dense. Also, in_channels is explicitly specified in Conv1D.
  • get_mask_from_lengths() function returns logical not of that of FastSpeech2.
  • In this implementation, the griffin_lim algorithms is used to convert a mel-spectrogram to a waveform. You can use HiFi-GAN as a vocoder by setting config, but you need to train it from scratch (you cannot use the provided pre-trained HiFi-GAN model).


  author = {Lee, Keon},
  title = {VAENAR-TTS},
  year = {2021},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}


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    Hi! Thank you for the port. Have you been able to get results on inference stage? I successfully train model, validation losses are decreasing, but at inference there's garbage. I started logging log-probabilities of posterior and prior networks and see that they're also going down throughout training. Logpgobs in around -70000 for both networks which is very very small number, say zero in probability space. Also if remove clipping kl divergence torch.max(kl_divergence, torch.tensor(0., device=device)) something bad happens and kl goes negative, which is not possible in math point of view, but can be if our values are not valid distributions. Then I set n_samples to 4 and reduce batch_size to 8 but still get negative values. Pytorch's implementation of KLDivloss with log_targets=True always give 0 loss values.... so.. have you had any success?

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