Official implementation of the paper Visual Parser: Representing Part-whole Hierarchies with Transformers

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Deep LearningViP

Visual Parser (ViP)

This is the official implementation of the paper Visual Parser: Representing Part-whole Hierarchies with Transformers.

Visual Parser

Key Features & TLDR

  1. PyTorch Implementation of the ViP network. Check it out at models/

  2. A fast and neat implementation of the relative positional encoding proposed in HaloNet, BOTNet and AANet.

  3. A transformer-friendly FLOPS & Param counter that supports FLOPS calculation for einsum and matmul operations.


Please refer to

Results and Models

All models listed below are evaluated with input size 224x224

Model Top1 Acc #params FLOPS Download
ViP-Tiny 79.0 12.8M 1.7G Google Drive
ViP-Small 82.1 32.1M 4.5G Google Drive
ViP-Medium 83.3 49.6M 8.0G Coming Soon
ViP-Base 83.6 87.8M 15.0G Coming Soon

To load the pretrained checkpoint, e.g. ViP-Tiny, simply run:

# first download the checkpoint and name it as vip_t_dict.pth
from import vip_tiny
model = vip_tiny(pretrained="vip_t_dict.pth")


To evaluate a pre-trained ViP on ImageNet val, run:

python3 <data-root> --model <model-name> -b <batch-size> --eval_checkpoint <path-to-checkpoint>

Training from scratch

To train a ViP on ImageNet from scratch, run:

bash ./ <job-name> <config-path> <num-gpus>

For example, to train ViP with 8 GPU on a single node, run:


bash ./ vip-t-001 configs/vip_t_bs1024.yaml 8


bash ./ vip-s-001 configs/vip_s_bs1024.yaml 8


bash ./ vip-m-001 configs/vip_m_bs1024.yaml 8


bash ./ vip-b-001 configs/vip_b_bs1024.yaml 8

Profiling the model

To measure the throughput, run:

python3 <model-name>

For example, if you want to get the test speed of Vip-Tiny on your device, run:

python3 vip-tiny

To measure the FLOPS and number of parameters, run:

python3 <model-name>

Citing ViP

  title={Visual Parser: Representing Part-whole Hierarchies with Transformers},
  author={Sun, Shuyang and Yue, Xiaoyu, Bai, Song and Torr, Philip},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.05790},


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Shuyang (Kevin) Sun. You can easily reach him by sending an email to [email protected].

Shuyang Sun
DPhil (PhD) student at Oxford
Shuyang Sun
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