"Reinforcement Learning for Bandit Neural Machine Translation with Simulated Human Feedback"




This is code repo for our EMNLP 2017 paper "Reinforcement Learning for Bandit Neural Machine Translation with Simulated Human Feedback", which implements the A2C algorithm on top of a neural encoder-decoder model and benchmarks the combination under simulated noisy rewards.


  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 0.2

NOTE: as of Sep 16 2017, the code got 2x slower when I upgraded to PyTorch 2.0. This is a known issue and PyTorch is fixing it.

IMPORTANT: Set home directory (otherwise scripts will not run correctly):

> export DATA=$BANDIT_HOME/data
> export SCRIPT=$BANDIT_HOME/scripts

Data extraction

Download pre-processing scripts

> cd $DATA/scripts
> bash download_scripts.sh

For German-English

> cd $DATA/en-de
> bash extract_data_de_en.sh

NOTE: train_2014 and train_2015 highly overlap. Please be cautious when using them for other projects.

Data should be ready in $DATA/en-de/prep

TODO: Chinese-English needs segmentation

Data pre-processing

> cd $SCRIPT
> bash make_data.sh de en


Pretrain both actor and critic

> cd $SCRIPT
> bash pretrain.sh en-de $YOUR_LOG_DIR

See scripts/pretrain.sh for more details.

Pretrain actor only

> python train.py -data $YOUR_DATA -save_dir $YOUR_SAVE_DIR -end_epoch 10

Reinforcement training


From scratch

> python train.py -data $YOUR_DATA -save_dir $YOUR_SAVE_DIR -start_reinforce 10 -end_epoch 100 -critic_pretrain_epochs 5

From a pretrained model

> python train.py -data $YOUR_DATA -load_from $YOUR_MODEL -save_dir $YOUR_SAVE_DIR -start_reinforce -1 -end_epoch 100 -critic_pretrain_epochs 5

Perturbed rewards

For example, use thumb up/thump down reward:

> python train.py -data $YOUR_DATA -load_from $YOUR_MODEL -save_dir $YOUR_SAVE_DIR -start_reinforce -1 -end_epoch 100 -critic_pretrain_epochs 5 -pert_func bin -pert_param 1

See lib/metric/PertFunction.py for more types of function.



On heldout sets (heldout BLEU):

> python train.py -data $YOUR_DATA -load_from $YOUR_MODEL -eval -save_dir .

On bandit set (per-sentence BLEU):

> python train.py -data $YOUR_DATA -load_from $YOUR_MODEL -eval_sample -save_dir .
Khanh Nguyen
PhD student in Machine Learning student at University of Maryland, College Park
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