Improving Representations via Similarities

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I like to build in public, but please don't expect anything yet. This is alpha stuff!


Improving Representations via Similarities

The object to implement:

Embetter(multi_output=True, epochs=50, sampling_kwargs)
  .fit(X, y)
  .fit_sim(X1, X2, y_sim, weights)
  .partial_fit(X, y, classes, weights)
  .partial_fit_sim(X1, X2, y_sim, weights)
  .predict_sim(X1, X2)
  .translate_X_y(X, y, classes=none)

Observation: especially when multi_output=True there's an opportunity with regards to NaN y-values. We can simply choose with values to translate and which to ignore.

  • [WIP] Feature/progress bar

    [WIP] Feature/progress bar

    Fixes issue #20

    • [x] Adds progress bar to all text and image embedders.
    • [x] Tests for SentenceEncoder.
    • [ ] Use perfplot for progress bar?
    • [ ] Can we ensure fast NumPy vectorization while using a progress bar?
    opened by CarloLepelaars 5
  • [BUG] `device` should be attribute on `SentenceEncoder`

    [BUG] `device` should be attribute on `SentenceEncoder`

    The device argument in SentenceEncoder is not defined as an attribute. This leads to bugs when using it with sklearn. I encountered attribute errors when trying to print out a Pipeline representation that has SentenceEncoder as a component.

    Should be easy to fix by just adding self.device in SentenceEncoder.__init__. We can consider adding tests for text encoders so we can catch these errors beforehand.

    The scikit-learn development docs make it clear every argument should be defined as an attribute:

    every keyword argument accepted by init should correspond to an attribute on the instance. Scikit-learn relies on this to find the relevant attributes to set on an estimator when doing model selection.

    Error message: AttributeError: 'SentenceEncoder' object has no attribute 'device'.

    Reproduction: Python 3.8 with embetter = "^0.2.2"

    se = SentenceEncoder()


    Add self.device on SentenceEncoder

    class SentenceEncoder(EmbetterBase):
        def __init__(self, name="all-MiniLM-L6-v2", device=None):
            if not device:
                device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
            self.device = device
   = name
            self.tfm = SBERT(name, device=self.device)
    opened by CarloLepelaars 4
  • Color Histograms - Additional Tricks

    Color Histograms - Additional Tricks

    This approach could work pretty well as an implementation:

    To do something similar to what is explained here:

    opened by koaning 4
  • Support for word embeddings

    Support for word embeddings


    Do you think it would be a good idea to add support for static word embeddings (word2vec, glove, etc.)? The embedder would need:

    • A filename to a local embedding file (e.g., glove.6b.100d.txt)
    • Either a callable tokenizer or regex string (i.e., the way sci-kit learn's TfIdfVectorizer splits words).
    • A (name of a) pooling function (e.g., "mean", "max", "sum").

    The second and third parameters could easily have sensible defaults, of course. If you think it's a good idea, I can do the PR somewhere next week.


    opened by stephantul 3
  • [FEATURE] SpaCyEmbedder

    [FEATURE] SpaCyEmbedder

    I think it would be a nice addition to add an embedder that can easily vectorize text through SpaCy. I already have an implementation class for this and would be happy to contribute it here.

    SpaCy Docs on vector:

    Example code for single string:

    import spacy
    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
    doc = nlp("This here text")
    opened by CarloLepelaars 2
  • `get_feature_names_out` for encoders

    `get_feature_names_out` for encoders

    I would be happy to implement get_feature_names_out for all the Embetter objects. I will implement them by just adding a new method (without a Mixin).

    opened by CarloLepelaars 1
  • Remove the classification layer in timm models

    Remove the classification layer in timm models

    I was playing a bit with the library and found out that the TimmEncoder returns 1000-dimensional vectors for all the models I selected. That is caused by returning the state of the last FC classification layer and the fact all of the models were trained on ImageNet with 1000 classes. In practice, it's typically replaced with identity.

    Are there any reasons for returning the state of that last layer as an embedding? I'd be happy to submit a PR fixing that.

    opened by kacperlukawski 1
  • xception mobilenet

    xception mobilenet

    opened by koaning 0
  • 'SentenceEncoder' object has no attribute 'device'

    'SentenceEncoder' object has no attribute 'device'

    text_emb_pipeline = make_pipeline(
    # This pipeline can also be trained to make predictions, using
    # the embedded features. 
    text_clf_pipeline = make_pipeline(
    dataf = pd.DataFrame({
      "text": ["positive sentiment", "super negative"],
      "label_col": ["pos", "neg"]
    X = text_emb_pipeline.fit_transform(dataf, dataf['label_col']), dataf['label_col'])

    This code gives this error: 'SentenceEncoder' object has no attribute 'device'

    opened by nicholas-dinicola 6
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