Connect Aseprite to Blender for painting pixelart textures in real time



Pribambase is a small tool that connects Aseprite and Blender, to allow painting with instant viewport feedback and all functionality of external editor at the same time. It also adds a few shortcuts like displaying the UV map in Aseprite or setting up a grid-scaled pixelart reference in the viewport.

Currently, the addon has mostly one-way workflow where you paint in Ase and not much in Blender. Better bidirectional workflow is quite a task tell ya what is planned in future versions.

  • Download packaged version for your platform
  • Geeting Started after installing, look there
  • Reference explains each button and setting
  • Itchio forum to show off your work or ask for help
  • Issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests. Kindly don't submit non-technical help requests.

​Although the entire project is distributed free of charge, I highly encourage you to support it financially sooner or later, as if it was on blen***arket or flip***rmals. There's still work left to do, and it'd be pretty great to be able to do it sooner.


This plugin consists of two parts: for Aseprite and for Blender. Get pre-packaged version for your OS on Itchio. Do not download repo ZIP, it won't just work without extra steps.


  • Blender recommended version 2.83 or later, preferrably latest. Minimum version is 2.80, but performance and stability are significantly worse
  • Aseprite minimum version 1.2.30 or 1.3-beta7. Trial version won't work

Installing Aseprite plugin

  1. Launch Aseprite and drag the file called pribambase-aseprite into the window
  2. Press Install
  3. Restart Aseprite

After that, a new menu option called Sync should appear in the File menu

Installing Blender plugin

  1. In Edit > Preferences > Addons click Install and chose the file called pribambase-blender-[YOUR OS]
  2. After the addon appears in the list, check the box next to its name to activate it. The app might freeze for several seconds
  3. Save preferences from the "burger" menu

After that, a new section called Sync will appear in N > Tools tab in viewport, and a new menu called Sprite will appear in the Image/uv editor.


Source for aseprite plugin is the client/ folder. The repo root is the blender plugin. For using source, you'd probably want to symlink them to extension/addon locations.

Third party dependencies aren't stored in the repo. Download them from PyPI to thirdparty folder, or fetch with PIP:

cd to/project/root

## for your platform
pip download -d thirdparty -r requirements.txt

## for different platforms; the platform tags tags go look up on PyPI
pip download -d thirdparty --platform win32 --only-binary=:all: -r requirements.txt


In accordance with Blender developers' wishes, the addon is distributed under GPL-3.0 license. See COPYING for full license text. Specific files or libraries might be also available under different terms, see included comment or package licenses.


Async loop handling is based on Blender Cloud Addon

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