Searches the word list in Wordle based on search pattern.


Wordle Searcher

Searches the word list in Wordle based on search pattern. Warning: like all forms of cheating, it trivializes the game, and robs you of your enjoyment of it. Use sparingly, or better yet not at all.

Example usage:

wordle-searcher % ./     
Input search pattern. Lowercase for yellows, uppercase for greens, dashes for greys.
tiger, other, cater, inter, threw, deter, tamer, hater, eater, later, outer, 
taper, enter, otter, tuber, ether, timer, three, ester, after, alter, utter, 
water, voter, tried, tower, truer, taker, meter, steer, apter, artel, aster, 
biter, citer, cuter, dater, doter, gater, ither, kiter, liter, luter, mater, 
miter, muter, niter, noter, oater, ofter, opter, oxter, pater, peter, strep, 
strew, taber, taler, tared, tares, taser, tater, taver, tawer, taxer, terek, 
teres, tiler, tired, tires, titer, toker, toner, toper, tores, toter, toyer, 
treed, treen, trees, trier, tries, trued, trues, tryer, tuner, tuyer, tweer, 
twier, twoer, twyer, tyler, tyred, tyres, upter
95 found
Input search pattern. Lowercase for yellows, uppercase for greens, dashes for greys.
threw, water, tower, strew, tawer
5 found
Input search pattern. Lowercase for yellows, uppercase for greens, dashes for greys.
0 found
Input search pattern. Lowercase for yellows, uppercase for greens, dashes for greys.
rupee, renew, ruder, rivet, risen, reset, ruler, river, rover, ramen, rebel, 
racer, riper, refer, rarer, revel, raven, repel, rider, ripen, rodeo, riser, 
roger, rower, raced, races, raged, ragee, rager, rages, rahed, rajes, raked, 
rakee, raker, rakes, rales, ramee, ramet, ranee, raped, raper, rapes, rared, 
raree, rares, rased, raser, rases, rated, ratel, rater, rates, raved, ravel, 
raver, raves, ravey, rawer, raxed, raxes, rayed, razed, razee, razer, razes, 
rebec, reded, redes, refed, refel, reges, rehem, reked, rekes, rekey, relet, 
remen, remet, remex, reney, repeg, resee, reses, resew, retem, revet, rewed, 
rewet, rexes, rezes, rhies, ribes, riced, ricer, rices, ricey, rides, rifer, 
riled, riles, riley, rimed, rimer, rimes, rines, riped, ripes, rises, rites, 
rived, rivel, riven, rives, robed, robes, roded, rodes, rohes, roked, roker, 
rokes, roles, romeo, roneo, rones, roped, roper, ropes, ropey, rores, rosed, 
roses, roset, roted, rotes, rouen, roues, roved, roven, roves, rowed, rowel, 
rowen, rozet, rubel, rubes, rudes, ruled, rules, rumen, rumes, runed, runes, 
ruses, ryked, rykes, ryper
158 found
Input search pattern. Lowercase for yellows, uppercase for greens, dashes for greys.
wordle-searcher % 

Press ctrl+C to exit.

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