Slientruss3d : Python for stable truss analysis tool


slientruss3d : Python for stable truss analysis tool

Python Version GitHub release


slientruss3d is a python package which can solve the resistances, internal forces and joint dispalcements in a stable 2D or 3D truss by direct stiffness method.This repo is writen by :

Taiwan                                          (臺灣)
Department of Civil Engineering                 (土木工程學系)
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) (國立陽明交通大學)
Shih-Chi Cheng                                  (鄭適其)

How to use ?

First, download the slientruss3d package:

pip install slientruss3d 

The following is one of the example codes in You could decide to either just type all the data about the truss in .py file or read the data in .json file by changing the value of variable IS_READ_FROM_JSON. You could switch the dimension of truss by changing the value of variable TRUSS_DIMENSION (Only can be 2 or 3).

from slientruss3d.truss import Truss, Member
from slientruss3d.type  import SupportType, MemberType
from slientruss3d.plot  import TrussPlotter

def TestExample():
    # -------------------- Global variables --------------------
    # Files settings:
    TEST_FILE_NUMBER        = 25
    TEST_LOAD_CASE          = 0
    TEST_INPUT_FILE         = f"./data/bar-{TEST_FILE_NUMBER}_input_{TEST_LOAD_CASE}.json"
    TEST_OUTPUT_FILE        = f"./data/bar-{TEST_FILE_NUMBER}_output_{TEST_LOAD_CASE}.json"
    TEST_PLOT_SAVE_PATH     = f"./plot/bar-{TEST_FILE_NUMBER}_plot_{TEST_LOAD_CASE}.png"

    # Some settings:
    TRUSS_DIMENSION         = 3
    IS_READ_FROM_JSON       = True
    IS_PLOT_TRUSS           = True
    IS_SAVE_PLOT            = True
    # Plot layout settings:
    IS_EQUAL_AXIS           = True   # Whether to use actual aspect ratio in the truss figure or not.
    MAX_SCALED_DISPLACEMENT = 15     # Scale the max value of all dimensions of displacements.
    MAX_SCALED_FORCE        = 50     # Scale the max value of all dimensions of force arrows.
    POINT_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR = 1      # Scale the default size of joint point in the truss figure.
    ARROW_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR = 1      # Scale the default size of force arrow in the truss figure.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------

    # Truss object:
    truss = Truss(dim=TRUSS_DIMENSION)

    # Read data in [.json] or in this [.py]:
        joints     = [(0, 0, 0), (36, 0, 0), (36, 18, 0), (0, 20, 0), (12, 10, 18)]
        supports   = [SupportType.PIN, SupportType.PIN, SupportType.PIN, SupportType.PIN, SupportType.NO]
        forces     = [(4, (0, -10000, 0))]
        members    = [(0, 4), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4)]
        memberType = MemberType(1, 1e7, 1)
        for i, (joint, support) in enumerate(zip(joints, supports)):
            truss.AddNewJoint(i, joint, support)
        for i, force in forces:
            truss.AddExternalForce(i, force)
        for i, (jointID0, jointID1) in enumerate(members):
            truss.AddNewMember(i, jointID0, jointID1, Member(joints[jointID0], joints[jointID1], 3, memberType))

    # Do direct stiffness method:
    displace, internal, external = truss.Solve()

    # Dump all the structural analysis results into a .json file:

    # Show or save the structural analysis result figure:
                     arrowScale=ARROW_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR).Plot(IS_SAVE_PLOT, TEST_PLOT_SAVE_PATH)
    return displace, internal, external

if __name__ == '__main__':
    displace, internal, external = TestExample()

Format of JSON

The input data of truss in the .json file must follow this format :
( support_type can be one of ["NO", "PIN", "ROLLER_X", "ROLLER_Y", "ROLLER_Z"], and "ROLLER_Z" only can be used in 3D truss.)

    // Joints 
    // {"joint_ID" : [positionX, positionY, positionZ, support_type]}
    "joint": {
        "0": [[0 , 0 , 0 ], "PIN"     ],  
        "1": [[36, 0 , 0 ], "PIN"     ],
        "2": [[36, 18, 0 ], "ROLLER_Z"],
        "3": [[0 , 20, 0 ], "PIN"     ],
        "4": [[12, 10, 18], "NO"      ]

    // External forces
    // {"joint_ID" : [forceX, forceY, forceZ]}
    "force": {
        "4": [0, 7000, -10000]

    // Members
    // {"member_ID" : [[joint_ID_0, joint_ID_1], [area, Young's modulus, density]]}
    "member": {
        "0": [[0, 4], [1, 1e7, 1]],
        "1": [[1, 4], [1, 1e7, 1]],
        "2": [[2, 4], [1, 1e6, 1]],
        "3": [[3, 4], [1, 1e7, 1]],
        "4": [[0, 2], [1, 1e6, 1]],
        "5": [[1, 2], [1, 1e7, 1]]

And the format of ouput .json file will be like :

    // Joints
    "joint": {
        "0": [[0 , 0 , 0 ], "PIN"     ], 
        "1": [[36, 0 , 0 ], "PIN"     ], 
        "2": [[36, 18, 0 ], "ROLLER_Z"], 
        "3": [[0 , 20, 0 ], "PIN"     ], 
        "4": [[12, 10, 18], "NO"      ]

    // External forces
    "force": {
        "4": [0, 7000, -10000]

    // Members
    "member": {
        "0": [[0, 4], [1, 10000000, 1]], 
        "1": [[1, 4], [1, 10000000, 1]], 
        "2": [[2, 4], [1, 1000000 , 1]], 
        "3": [[3, 4], [1, 10000000, 1]], 
        "4": [[0, 2], [1, 1000000 , 1]], 
        "5": [[1, 2], [1, 10000000, 1]]

    // Solved displacement of each joint
    "displace": {
        "0": [0                   ,  0                     ,  0                   ], 
        "1": [0                   ,  0                     ,  0                   ], 
        "2": [0.03134498120304671 , -0.00018634976892802215,  0                   ], 
        "3": [0                   ,  0                     ,  0                   ], 
        "4": [0.022796692569021636,  0.05676049798868429   , -0.029124752172511904]

    // External forces with solved resistances
    "external": {
        "0": [-3430.530131923594 , -2651.7198111274147, -4214.046353245278 ],
        "1": [-3823.2785480177026,  1696.5603777451659,  2867.4589110132774],
        "2": [ 0                 ,  0                 ,  465.8744223200557 ],
        "3": [ 7253.808679941296 , -6044.840566617749 ,  10880.713019911946],
        "4": [ 0                 ,  7000              , -10000             ]

    // Solved internal force in each member (Tension is positive, Compression is negative)
    "internal": {
        "0":  5579.573091723386 , 
        "1": -5037.6118087489085, 
        "2": -803.590657623974  , 
        "3": -14406.517749362636, 
        "4":  694.4845848573933 , 
        "5": -103.52764940445674

    // The total weight of this truss (note that the default density is 1.0)
    "weight": 168.585850740452

Time consuming

The following are time consuming tests for doing structural analysis for each truss (Each testing runs for 30 times and takes average !).

  • 6-bar truss   : 0.00043(s)
  • 10-bar truss  : 0.00063(s)
  • 25-bar truss  : 0.00176(s)
  • 72-bar truss  : 0.00443(s)
  • 120-bar truss : 0.00728(s)
  • 942-bar truss : 0.07440(s)

Testing on :

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz

Result figures

You could use slientruss3d.plot.TrussPlotter to plot the result of structural analysis for your truss. See the following example in

from slientruss3d.truss import Truss
from slientruss3d.plot  import TrussPlotter

def TestPlot():
    # Global variables 
    TEST_FILE_NUMBER        = 25
    TEST_LOAD_CASE          = 0
    TEST_INPUT_FILE         = f"./data/bar-{TEST_FILE_NUMBER}_output_{TEST_LOAD_CASE}.json"
    TEST_PLOT_SAVE_PATH     = f"./plot/bar-{TEST_FILE_NUMBER}_plot_{TEST_LOAD_CASE}.png"
    TRUSS_DIMENSION         = 3
    IS_EQUAL_AXIS           = True
    IS_SAVE_PLOT            = False
    MAX_SCALED_FORCE        = 50   

    # Truss object:
    truss = Truss(dim=TRUSS_DIMENSION)

    # You could directly read the output .json file.
    truss.LoadFromJSON(TEST_INPUT_FILE, isOutputFile=True)

    # Show or save the structural analysis result figure:
  • Green Arrow   : Resistance
  • Purple Arrow  : External Force
  • Black Line    : Member
  • Blue Dashline : Displaced member with tension
  • Red Dashline  : Displaced member with compression
  • Pink Circle   : Joint
  • Blue Circle   : Roller
  • Blue Triangle : Pin

Input : ./data/bar-6_output_0.json 0

Input : ./data/bar-10_output_0.json 1

Input : ./data/bar-25_output_0.json 1

Input : ./data/bar-72_output_1.json 1

Input : ./data/bar-120_output_0.json 1

Input : ./data/bar-942_output_0.json 1

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