Pytorch Feature Map Extractor



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Convolutional Neural Networks Are Beautiful

We all take our eyes for granted, we glance at an object for an instant and our brains can identify with ease. However distorted the information may be, we do a pretty good job at it.

Low light, obscured vision, poor eyesight... There are a myriad of situations where conditions are poor but still we manage to understand what an object is. Context helps, but we humans were created with sight in mind.

Computers have a harder time, but modern advances with convolutional neural networks are making this task a reality.

Computers are amazing, the neural networks and maps they create are beautiful.

Why not have an explore?

MapExtrakt makes viewing feature maps a breeze.

Catch a glimpse of how a computer can see.

MapExtrakt Usage

First import / gather your model (this does not have to be a pretrained pytorch model).

import torchvision
model = torchvision.models.vgg19(pretrained=True)

Import MapExtract's Feature Extractor and load in the model

from MapExtrackt import FeatureExtractor
fe = FeatureExtractor(model)

Set image to be analysed - input can be PIL Image, Numpy array or filepath. We are using the path


View Layers


Example Output

View Single Cells At a Time

fe.display_from_map(layer_no=2, cell_no=4)

Example Output

Slice the class to get a range of cells (Layer 2 Cells 0-9)


Example Output

Or Export Layers To Video

fe.write_video(out_size=(1200,800), file_name="output.avi", time_for_layer=60, transition_perc_layer=0.2)

More Examples

For LOTS more - view the jupyter notebook.



It's as easy as PyPI

pip install mapextrackt

or build from source in terminal

git clone &&\
cd mapextrackt &&\
pip install -e .

Todo List

  • Add the ability to slice the class i.e FeatureExtractor[1,3]
  • Show parameters on the image
  • Fix video generation
  • Enable individual cells to be added to video
  • Add video parameters such as duration in seconds.
  • Clean up code
  • Make speed improvements


Created by me, initially to view the outputs for my own pleasure.

If anyone has any suggestions or requests please send them over I'd be more than happy to consider.

[email protected]

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  • UnboundLocalError: local variable 'font_loc' referenced before assignment

    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'font_loc' referenced before assignment

    UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 fe.display_from_map(layer_no=2, cell_no=4)

    ~/SageMaker/speedlimit/mapextrackt/MapExtrackt/ in display_from_map(self, layer_no, cell_no, out_type, colourize, outsize, border, picture_in_picture, write_text) 194 if self.write_text.lower() != "none": 195 subtext = "" --> 196 img = self._write_text(img, layer_no, cell_no) 197 198 if self.out_type.lower() == "pil":

    ~/SageMaker/speedlimit/mapextrackt/MapExtrackt/ in _write_text(self, img, layer_no, cell_no, flip) 242 if flip: 243 text, subtext = subtext, text --> 244 img = draw_text(img, text, subtext) 245 246 return img

    ~/SageMaker/speedlimit/mapextrackt/MapExtrackt/ in draw_text(img, text, subtext) 194 195 --> 196 font = ImageFont.truetype(font_loc, size) 197 smaller_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_loc, smaller_size) 198

    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'font_loc' referenced before assignment

    opened by RohitKeshari 3
  • Error on display_from_map in OpenCV (3.4.2)

    Error on display_from_map in OpenCV (3.4.2)

    EDIT: SORRY MISSED VERSIONS REQUIREMENTS, WILL FIX THEM AND SEE IF ITS CORRECTED I'm using resnet18 with last layer softmax classifier and getting this error. By the way thank you for your work 👍

    `from MapExtrackt import FeatureExtractor
    fe = FeatureExtractor(model_conv)
    fe.display_from_map(layer_no=1) #Tried several just in case: Layers -> 0-72`


    error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
          5 fe.set_image('im2.jpg')
    ----> 7 fe.display_from_map(layer_no=1)
    C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\vc\lib\site-packages\MapExtrackt\ in display_from_map(self, layer_no, cell_no, out_type, colourize, outsize, border, picture_in_picture, write_text)
        180         # get image map
    --> 181         img = self.__return_feature_map(layer_no, single=cell_no)
        183         # return type
    C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\vc\lib\site-packages\MapExtrackt\ in __return_feature_map(self, layer_no, single)
        726                 # if colourize
        727                 if self.colourize > -1:
    --> 728                     img = colourize_image(img, self.colourize)
        730                 # if border pad
    C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\vc\lib\site-packages\MapExtrackt\ in colourize_image(img, colour_type)
        168         return base
        169     else:
    --> 170         return cv2.applyColorMap(img, colour_type, None)
    error: OpenCV(3.4.2) C:\Miniconda3\conda-bld\opencv-suite_1534379934306\work\modules\imgproc\src\colormap.cpp:558: error: (-5:Bad argument) Unknown colormap id; use one of COLORMAP_* in function 'cv::applyColorMap'`
    opened by PGG-DeepAI 3
  • Feature request: Possibility to visualize the input of a specific layer

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    Feature request: Possibility to visualize the input of a specific layer. It is useful if you want to visualize the activations (weights after the activation function, e.g., Relu) because the inputs to the next layer after the Relu are effectively the activation.

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  • Question: Is it intentional to not divide by the max-min difference when normalizing layer?

    Question: Is it intentional to not divide by the max-min difference when normalizing layer?

    Thanks for the great library.

    When setting the image, one options is to normalize the layer for viewing (parameter normalize_layer), if normalize_layer=False all features (independently of the others in the same layer) are normalized using min-max feature scaling. When normalize_layer=True, one would expect the layer to be normalized across all features using the same strategy, namely min-max feature scaling. However, the denominator doesn't contain the difference max-min but only max. Is this intentioned? If yes, why?

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