- 2.download_comment.py 下载全量评论
- 2.word_cloud_by_dt 生成词云
- 2.to_csv 将原始评论数据提取到CSV文件
- 2.to_json 将原始评论数据提取到Json文件
This is a Python script that given a whole corpus of job descriptions and a file with keywords it extracts the number of number of ocurrences of these keywords and write it to a file. This script it
This is a text adventure which I made in python 3. This is one of my first big projects so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Extract knowledge from raw text This repository is a nearly copy-paste of "From Text to Knowledge: The Information Extraction Pipeline" with some cosm
AthensSyncer Athens is a great tool for taking notes and organising knowldge. But it is a bummer that you cannot use it accross multiple devices. Well
FuzzyWuzzy Fuzzy string matching like a boss. It uses Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences between sequences in a simple-to-use package.
Information Retrieval: Text Processing Group 13 Sequence of operations Install Requirements Add given wikipedia files to the corpus directory. Downloa
bistring The bistring library provides non-destructive versions of common string processing operations like normalization, case folding, and find/repl
TextDistance TextDistance -- python library for comparing distance between two or more sequences by many algorithms. Features: 30+ algorithms Pure pyt
kamusi JSON and CSV data for swahili dictionary with over 16600+ words. This repo consists of data from swahili dictionary with about 16683 words toge
An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in Python
Python User Agents user_agents is a Python library that provides an easy way to identify/detect devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabili
EAF RSS Reader RSS Reader application for the Emacs Application Framework. Load application (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/eaf-rss-read
Bangla Number in Words Converts a Bangla numeric string to literal words. Install $ pip install banglanum2words Usage
MnSRank Maiden & Spell community player ranking based on tournament data. Why? 2021 just ended and this seemed like a cool idea. Elo doesn't work well
Box is a text-based visual programming language inspired by Unreal Engine blueprint function graphs. $ cat factorial.box ┌─ƒ(Factorial)───┐
Contents Maintainer wanted Introduction Installation Documentation License History Source code Authors Maintainer wanted I am looking for a new mainta
Widevine Client 3 This was originally written by T3rry7f. This repo is slightly modified version of his repo. This only works on standard Windows! Usa
Memorize-New-Words In this very very very little project, I've wrote a code to memorize new english words. Therefore you can add the words and their m
LazyText is inspired b the idea of lazypredict, a library which helps build a lot of basic models without much code. LazyText is for text what lazypredict is for numeric data.
price-parser is a small library for extracting price and currency from raw text strings.