The source code of "SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detector with Structure-aware Instance Depth Estimation", accepted to WACV 2022.

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Deep LearningSIDE

SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detector with Structure-aware Instance Depth Estimation

The source code of our work "SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detector with Structure-aware Instance Depth Estimation", accepted to WACV 2022 img|center



Data Preparation


Download the train-val split of 3DOP and SubCNN and place the data as below

  |-- data
  `-- |-- kitti
      `-- |-- training
          |   |-- image_2
          |   |-- label_2
          |   |-- calib
          |-- ImageSets_3dop
          |   |-- test.txt
          |   |-- train.txt
          |   |-- val.txt
          |   |-- trainval.txt
          `-- ImageSets_subcnn
              |-- test.txt
              |-- train.txt
              |-- val.txt
              |-- trainval.txt


To train the kitti 3D object detection with dla on 4 GPUs, run

python stereo --exp_id sub_dla34 --dataset kitti --kitti_split subcnn --batch_size 16 --num_epochs 70 --lr_step 45,60 --gpus 0,1,2,3

By default, pytorch evenly splits the total batch size to each GPUs. --master_batch allows using different batchsize for the master GPU, which usually costs more memory than other GPUs. If it encounters GPU memory out, using slightly less batch size with the same learning is fine.

If the training is terminated before finishing, you can use the same commond with --resume to resume training. It will found the lastest model with the same exp_id.


To evaluate the kitti dataset, first compile the evaluation tool (from here):

cd SIDE_ROOT/src/tools/kitti_eval
g++ -o evaluate_object_3d_offline evaluate_object_3d_offline.cpp -O3

Then run the evaluation with pretrained model:

python stereo --exp_id sub_dla34 --dataset kitti --kitti_split 3dop --resume

to evaluate the 3DOP split. For the subcnn split, change --kitti_split to subcnn and load the corresponding models.


SIDE itself is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details). Portions of the code are borrowed from CenterNet(anchor-free design), Stereo-RCNN(geometric constraint), DCNv2(deformable convolutions) and kitti_eval (KITTI dataset evaluation). Please refer to the original License of these projects (See NOTICE).


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detector with Structure-aware Instance Depth Estimation},
  author={Peng, Xidong and Zhu, Xinge and Wang, Tai and Ma, Yuexin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.09663},
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