A full-featured Python wrapper for the Onfleet API.


UPDATE: Please use Onfleet's wrapper instead. This repository is not maintained.





python-onfleet is an easy-to-use and fully-functional Python wrapper for the Onfleet API.


python-onfleet is available for download through the Python Package Index (PyPi). You can install it right away using pip or easy_install.

pip install onfleet

No dependencies (besides Python >= 2.7).


To get started, you're going to need to get an Onfleet account set up and create an API token. Once you've got that, you're ready to go.

>>> import onfleet
>>> on = onfleet.Onfleet(api_token)

Once you've done this, you can now use the on object to make calls to the Onfleet API. Here are some examples:


>>> organization = on.organization()
>>> organization
<Organization id='O1o6D8OryDMILx2YEW3YOFFg'>
>>> organization.created_on


Create a new administrator:

>>> administrator = onfleet.Administrator(name="John Doe", email="[email protected]")
>>> on.admins(administrator, method="POST")
<Administrator id='lMmclZVdpCqzpN9~tSzvIjHn'>

List all administrators:

>>> on.admins()
[<Administrator id='lMmclZVdpCqzpN9~tSzvIjHn'>,
 <Administrator id='IP4mhhsuA*RivOvpJG9y~tI7'>]
>>> admins = _
>>> admins[0].name
John Doe


List workers:

>>> on.workers()
<Worker name='John D'>, <Worker name='Sally D'>]

Create a new worker:

>>> vehicle = onfleet.Vehicle(vehicle_type=onfleet.Vehicle.CAR, description="2010 Jetta", licensePlate="123456", color="White")
>>> worker = onfleet.Worker(name="John Smith", phone="1234567890", vehicle=vehicle)
>>> on.worker(worker, method="POST")

Get a single worker:

>>> onfleet.Worker[worker_id]()
<Worker name='John D'>

Update a worker:

>>> worker = onfleet.Worker(id="12345", tasks=["1234"])
>>> on.worker(worker, method="PUT")


List teams:

>>> on.teams()
[{u'id': u'n3MMWj0Cq6emWBg1v0ugJ46f',
  u'managers': [u'BKH3rtJxU*XdH6anWsn1YEsU'],
  u'name': u'Test Team',
  u'timeCreated': 1427748462000,
  u'timeLastModified': 1427905261933,
  u'workers': [u'i0TlEqfEk8E65a4dW~0J58VZ', u'SKmm09tPTCLkEWnGKW1AsLh9']}]

Get a single team:

>>> on.teams['n3MMWj0Cq6emWBg1v0ugJ46f']()
{u'id': u'n3MMWj0Cq6emWBF1a0ugJ46f',
 u'managers': [],
 u'name': u'Test Team',
 u'timeCreated': 1427748462000,
 u'timeLastModified': 1427905261933,
 u'workers': [{u'id': u'i0TlEqfak8E65i4dW~0J58VZ',
   u'name': u'John D',
   u'phone': u'+17172372831'},
  {u'id': u'SKmm09j3jJJKHanGKW1AsLW9',
   u'name': u'Sally R',
   u'phone': u'+15023838282'}]}


Create a new destination:

>>> destination = on.destinations(Destination(address=Address(unparsed="543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105")), method="POST")
>>> destination
<Destination id='RJ6SnbJntnGx3M72QvDnWDhn'>
>>> destination.location
[-122.3965731, 37.7875728]

Get a single destination:

>>> on.destinations['RJ6SnbJntnGx3M72QvDnWDhn']()
<Destination id='RJ6SnbJntnGx3M72QvDnWDhn'>






By default, python-onfleet will return parsed JSON objects. If you'd like the raw response object for a request, just pass in parse_response=False.

>>> response = on.organization(parse_response=False)
... your org ...

Python-onfleet maps 1-1 to the Onfleet API (e.g., pb.one.two.three['1234']() will send a request to "https://api.onfleet.com/api/v2/one/two/three/1234"). For more information on other methods and usage, please read the Onfleet API documentation.


If you like this library, or need help implementing it, send us an email: [email protected].



Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.

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