List of content farm sites like



Google 中文搜索结果包含了相当一部分的内容农场式条目,比如「小 X 知识网」「小 X 百科网」。此种链接常会 302 重定向其主站,页面内容为自动生成,大量堆叠关键字,揉杂一些爬取到的内容,完全不具可读性和参考价值。

尤为过分的是,该类网站可能有成千上万个分身域名被 Google 收录,严重影响搜索体验。详见 2021 年 10 初的社区反馈:

  1. Github: 如何屏蔽“小搭百科网”?
  2. V2EX: 请问在 google 搜索时,频繁遇到小 X 知识网等内容农场式结果,怎么办?
  3. V2EX: google 搜中文太毒了吧,是不是已经放弃中文搜索了
  4. HOSTLOC: 这采集站群太强了吧
  5. HOSTLOC: 小*知识网站群是哪位大佬的杰作





安装 uBlacklist

Chrome Web Store / Firefox Add-ons / App Store (for macOS and iOS)

后进入 Option 菜单,点击 Add a subscription,输入如下内容:

  • Name: content-farm-list
  • URL:

  • Name: content-farm-list
  • URL:

单击 'Add' 按钮。

Google Hit Hider


Grease Fork /

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文件 说明
uBlacklist.txt uBlacklist 规则集合
Surge.txt Surge 规则集合
uBlacklist/spam/ uBlacklist 专用小搭百科网域名集合
Surge/spam/ Surge 专用小搭百科网域名集合
uBlacklist/machine-translated/stackoverflow.txt uBlacklist 专用机翻 StackOverflow 域名集合
Surge/machine-translated/stackoverflow.txt Surge 专用机翻 StackOverflow 域名集合


因与清单中域名匹配的结果会被移除,所以搜索引擎的结果页剩余条目太少,不便浏览,建议登录后设置搜索结果显示为每页面 100 条。


一、发 PR 添加域名

  1. 从本地插件 uBlacklist 中导出域名列表
  2. 在搜索引擎中尝试长尾关键词,以发现更多目前权重尚低的农场域名

按结构在 domains 目录中添加新的分类集合文件。参考文件中已有内容的格式,在任意位置添加即可。(Fork 本仓库后编辑再 Push,或在页面中编辑均可。)

文件 说明
domains/spam/ 小搭百科网域名集合
domains/machine-translated/stackoverflow.txt 机翻 StackOverflow 域名集合




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Source code release of the paper: Knowledge-Guided Deep Fractal Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation.

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code associated with ACL 2021 DExperts paper

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TiP-Adapter: Training-free CLIP-Adapter for Better Vision-Language Modeling

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Pytorch Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks Calibration, ICML 2021

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In generative deep geometry learning, we often get many obj files remain to be rendered

a python prompt cli script for blender batch render In deep generative geometry learning, we always get many .obj files to be rendered. Our rendered i

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10th place solution for Google Smartphone Decimeter Challenge at kaggle.

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Pytorch for Segmentation

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ROCKET: Exceptionally fast and accurate time series classification using random convolutional kernels

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Lightweight mmm - Lightweight (Bayesian) Media Mix Model

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Ejemplo Algoritmo Viterbi - Example of a Viterbi algorithm applied to a hidden Markov model on DNA sequence

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torchbearer: A model fitting library for PyTorch

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Mixed Transformer UNet for Medical Image Segmentation

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A very simple baseline to estimate 2D & 3D SMPL-compatible keypoints from a single color image.

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Wenzhou-Kean University AI-LAB

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Official PyTorch implementation of "The Center of Attention: Center-Keypoint Grouping via Attention for Multi-Person Pose Estimation" (ICCV 21).

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using yolox+deepsort for object-tracker

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GAT - Graph Attention Network (PyTorch) 💻 + graphs + 📣 = ❤️

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A highly modular PyTorch framework with a focus on Neural Architecture Search (NAS).

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RL agent to play μRTS with Stable-Baselines3

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