Logistic Bandit experiments. Official code for the paper "Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits".


Code for the paper Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits, by Louis Faury, Marc Abeille, Clément Calauzènes and Kwang-Sun Jun.


Clone the repository and run:

$ pip install .


This code implements the adaECOLog algorithms (OFU and TS variants) - both from the aforedmentioned paper, along with several baselines (oldest to newest):

Experiments can be ran for several Logistic Bandit (i.e structured Bernoulli feedback) environments, such as static and time-varying finite arm-sets, or inifinite arm-sets (e.g. unit ball).


Single Experiment

Single experiments (one algorithm for one environment) can be ran thanks to scripts/run_example.py. The script instantiate the algorithm and environment indicated in the file scripts/configs/example_config.py and plots the regret.


Benchmarks can be obtained thanks to scripts/run_all.py. This script runs experiments for any config file in scripts/configs/generated_configs/ and stores the result in scripts/logs/.

Plot results

You can use scripts/plot_regret.py to plot regret curves. This scripts plot regret curves for all logs in scripts/logs/ that match the indicated dimension and parameter norm.

usage: plot_regret.py [-h] [-d [D]] [-pn [PN]]

Plot regret curves (by default for dimension=2 and parameter norm=3)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d [D]      Dimension (default: 2)
  -pn [PN]    Parameter norm (default: 4.0)

Generating configs

You can automatically generate config files thanks to scripts/generate_configs.py.

usage: generate_configs.py [-h] [-dims DIMS [DIMS ...]] [-pn PN [PN ...]] [-algos ALGOS [ALGOS ...]] [-r [R]] [-hz [HZ]] [-ast [AST]] [-ass [ASS]] [-fl [FL]]

Automatically creates configs, stored in configs/generated_configs/

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dims DIMS [DIMS ...]
                        Dimension (default: None)
  -pn PN [PN ...]       Parameter norm (||theta_star||) (default: None)
  -algos ALGOS [ALGOS ...]
                        Algorithms. Possibilities include GLM-UCB, LogUCB1, OFULog-r, OL2M, GLOC or adaECOLog (default: None)
  -r [R]                # of independent runs (default: 20)
  -hz [HZ]              Horizon, normalized (later multiplied by sqrt(dim)) (default: 1000)
  -ast [AST]            Arm set type. Must be either fixed_discrete, tv_discrete or ball (default: fixed_discrete)
  -ass [ASS]            Arm set size, normalized (later multiplied by dim) (default: 10)
  -fl [FL]              Failure level, must be in (0,1) (default: 0.05)

For instance running python generate_configs.py -dims 2 -pn 3 4 5 -algos GLM-UCB GLOC OL2M adaECOLog generates configs in dimension 2 for GLM-UCB, GLOC, OL2M and adaECOLog, for environments (set as defaults) of ground-truth norm 3, 4 and 5.

Faury Louis
Machine Learning researcher. Interest in bandit algorithms and reinforcement learning. PhD in Machine Learning, obtained in 2021.
Faury Louis
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