Meta Learning Backpropagation And Improving It (VSML)


Meta Learning Backpropagation And Improving It (VSML)

This is research code for the NeurIPS 2021 publication Kirsch & Schmidhuber 2021.

Many concepts have been proposed for meta learning with neural networks (NNs), e.g., NNs that learn to reprogram fast weights, Hebbian plasticity, learned learning rules, and meta recurrent NNs. Our Variable Shared Meta Learning (VSML) unifies the above and demonstrates that simple weight-sharing and sparsity in an NN is sufficient to express powerful learning algorithms (LAs) in a reusable fashion. A simple implementation of VSML where the weights of a neural network are replaced by tiny LSTMs allows for implementing the backpropagation LA solely by running in forward-mode. It can even meta learn new LAs that differ from online backpropagation and generalize to datasets outside of the meta training distribution without explicit gradient calculation. Introspection reveals that our meta learned LAs learn through fast association in a way that is qualitatively different from gradient descent.


Create a virtual env

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

Install pip dependencies

pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Initialize weights and biases

wandb init

Inspect your results at

Run instructions

Non distributed

For any algorithm that does not require multiple workers.

python3 --config_files CONFIG_FILES --config arg1=val1 arg2=val2


For any algorithm that does require multiple workers

GPU_COUNT=4 mpirun -n NUM_WORKERS python3 python3

where NUM_WORKERS is the number of workers to run. The assign_gpu python script distributes the mpi workers evenly over the specified GPUs

Alternatively, specify the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES instead of GPU_COUNT env variable:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,2,3 mpirun -n NUM_WORKERS python3 python3

Slurm-based cluster

Modify slurm/ and slurm/ to suit your environment.

bash slurm/ --nodes=7 --ntasks-per-node=12 -- python3 --config_files CONFIG_FILES

If only a single worker is required (non-distributed), set --nodes=1 and --ntasks-per-node=1.

Remote (via ssh)

Modify ssh/ to suit your environment. Requires gpustat in .local/bin/gpustat, via pip3 install --user gpustat. Also install tmux and mpirun.

bash ssh/ --host HOST_NAME --nodes=7 --ntasks-per-node=12 -- python3 --config_files CONFIG_FILES

Example training runs

Section 4.2 Figure 6


slurm/ --nodes=128 --time 04:00:00 -- python3 --config_files configs/rand_proj.yaml

You can also try fewer nodes and use --config training.population_size=128. Or use backpropagation-based meta optimization --config_files configs/{rand_proj,backprop}.yaml.

Section 4.4 Figure 8


slurm/ --array=1-11 --nodes=128 --time 04:00:00 -- python3 --array configs/array/datasets.yaml

Meta RNN (Hochreiter 2001)

slurm/ --array=1-11 --nodes=32 --time 04:00:00 -- python3 --array configs/array/datasets.yaml --config_files configs/{metarnn,pad}.yaml --tags metarnn

Fast weight memory

slurm/ --array=1-11 --nodes=32 --time 04:00:00 -- python3 --array configs/array/datasets.yaml --config_files configs/{fwmemory,pad}.yaml --tags fwmemory


slurm/ --array=1-4 --nodes=2 --time 00:15:00 -- python3 --array configs/array/sgd.yaml --config_files configs/sgd.yaml --tags sgd


slurm/ --array=1-11 --nodes=32 --time 04:00:00 -- python3 --array configs/array/datasets.yaml --config_files configs/{hebbian,pad}.yaml --tags hebbian
Louis Kirsch
Building RL agents that meta-learn their own learning algorithm. Currently pursuing a PhD in AI at IDSIA with Jürgen Schmidhuber. Previous DeepMind intern.
Louis Kirsch
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